Chapter 3: Nightmares

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The whole group met in the town centre after an eventful sleep for all of them. Each had had a nightmare from what they had seen the previous day. They had a special meeting place where they would gather if anyone sent out an sos they all understood each other and had an almost sixth sense for when a friend was needed.
Underneath a weeping willow tree, they were hidden from the view of the general public and had a small version of privacy with the creaking of branches that hid their voices. Each had a part of the trunk that they would rest upon; Briar the highest of the bunch, sat on a tall outcrop; Mia sat on a swing the boys had crafted that hung from Briar's branch; Callum leant against the tree just wedged in a small alcove; Ashton sat on the twig covered floor upon a small blanket and Noah usually sat cross legged with his back resting on the trunk of the tree.

They all stared at Mia intently as though at any moment she may just shatter, they knew she was different.


The girl leant against the willow tree peacefully accepting that the end would come soon, her death was imminent. She sighed as the cool breeze relieved the sweaty palms that she had obtained from panicking too much. Even though the thought of punishment and death was a new revelation, her understanding and calmness about it came much sooner to her that she expected. She was dying for those she loved and cared for and that was all that mattered.


Dr Henry Michaels frowned at the new information appearing on his computer screen. The autopsy results were completely different to what was expected and predicted by the forensics they did on site. However, facts were facts and nothing could change the information the professionals had given them. quickly, he reread the email that contained the information:

Dr Henry Michaels,

Enclosed are the final assessments for the missing person found October 31st 2009, hereafter referred to as The Victim.

The victim suffered a fatal blow to the cranium which could have imposed death upon them,

Multiple cuts across the inner-forearm which could be a result of torment or torture, the victim had circular burns upon the back of there hand- indicating a cigarette burn.

A total of twenty broken bones, both left and right upper and lower arm, nine finger bones broken- maybe indicating a form of torture, right lower leg and left upper leg broken ( however this could be a result of the damage the body suffered after death. Serious damage to the lower jaw and teeth on the right side of the face, a sign of a left- hook punch.

The item that did the final blow upon the cranium has been identified as a cylindrical object, further x-ray suggests the butt of a gun.

In conclusion, the study comes back with a evidential suggestion of abuse and torment in the last few days of the victims life, the victim's body was recovered from the ocean, producing the fact that we have no substantial facts to show how far the body traveled from or where it was tortured, however after interviewing the witnesses who found the victim, we have been able to announce her exact time of death, 6:40am. There is no further investigation into the case at this time and the body is yet to be identified.

That was it, the letter was signed by no one but had the royal stamp watermarked at the bottom of the page. But as he was informed on his first day of the job, never question the authorities. So he proceeded to put his case together. His job was to understand what had happened to the victim and put together as many scenarios as possible to make a good case had the event need to go to court, which it soon would. He was good at his job for the young age of 23, graduated early and managed to secure a doctorate quite early in his life.
He had read and re-read every word that the case file had upon it, the witnesses were there, teenagers it said- that would scar them forever, nothing can erase the image of a dead body from someone's mind. The only reason he was in this line of work was because, as a child, he had witnessed his father's death, no one believed a child when he said who the murderer was, and from that moment on he would help solve any mystery that came his way.

That night, Mia and Briar were to perform infront of hundreds for their second time on stage, they were a famed singer and musician, no one could get enough of their voice. The group all gathered in the backstage area beside the wings as Mia began to strap her guitar to her shoulder and Briar did the final checks to the sound equipment before stepping up on the raised platform, the crowds applause echoed around the stadium. Noah and Ashton both smiled at their friends fame, one day they would all be famous, not that they knew that yet...

Heyyyyyyyy guyzzzz dis be Livi's chapter I keep meaning to write 'chappy' and then im like... that looks a bit WEIRD XD anywayzzz don't be a ghost reader go ahead and comment etc XXXX bye for now XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2017 ⏰

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