Chapter 4

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Isaac's pov.

What happened to her? Why is she so bitter and hateful towards people?

Is all this my fault? I saw the look in her eyes, I knew she could feel our bond, she knew she belonged to me; she is just confused as to why she is feeling that towards me.

How can I make her see, that we belong together as cliché as that may sound. I knew she wasn't a virgin anymore and it hurt me and my wolf but I understood, she didn't know about any of this, I just hope she'll accept me once she finds out the truth about me.

Later after school.

I decided to take a walk; well my walk consisted on going to the woods, getting undress and shift so that my wolf can feel free and happy.

My black wolf was running around in the woods and chasing squirrels and shit, when all of the sudden a familiar scent hit our nostrils.

Without thinking about it, we started running towards that scent of our mate.

Further, into the woods, there was a wooden cabin, and her scent was all over, I whined and got closer to the window.

There she was with the Principal on top of her, she was looking at the ceiling with a blank expression while the asshole's body moves up and down while panting and saying her name.

She seemed like she was not there, as if she was daydreaming, and just by looking at her, I could tell her soul and mind were not in there, just her body, it pained me to know that she was hurting and detaching herself from any kind of feelings.

Once they were done, and yes, I stayed there through all that believe me I wanted to leave, but I was glued to that spot.

Sam got dressed and turns to look at the Principal. ‘‘This is the last time, we are done’’. She declares her voice void of any feelings, her eyes blank and her body language was screaming at her to stop treating herself like trash.

I turn and run away.

I was lying on my belly outside the house still in my wolf form, and I guess I have fallen asleep.

All of the sudden I felt hands caressing my fur, I open my eyes and came face to face with Sam.

‘’Hey, are you hungry?’’  She questions calmly, as if she wasn't in front of a huge black wolf, I frowned at that, why is she so trustworthy around a wolf? She should be terrified and run away.

She must have seen my confuse wolf face, how? I have no clue.

‘’I feel like little red riding hood’’ .She pipes and then giggled a bit.

I was staring at her, she was so beautiful, and her smile was the same as when she was 11 years old.

She was sitting righty next to me; her hand started petting my head.

‘’What the hell, am I supposed to do?’’  She asks I am assuming no one in particular because she was looking out to the empty street.

‘’How am I supposed to move on? I mean it is too late to tell anyone about what happened to me’’. She continues.

‘’But I really want to stop hurting the people around me’’. She whispers follow by a long sigh.

‘’Isaac is a pain in the ass, you don't know him, hell I don't even know him, I only know the 12 year old version of him, I still can't believe he stole my first kiss’’. She smile and turn to look at me.

‘’I remember the next day I woke up excited, thinking that me and him could be boyfriend and girlfriend, Silly me right’’. She sighs and shut her eyes.

‘’And then as if him leaving me wasn't bad enough, what happened to me after that was worst, I- I, I hate myself for being so stupid and trust someone like that, he fooled me and I fall in to his trap, I-I don't know what to do anymore’’. She said in a low whisper.

I wanted to know more, I was her first kiss. She did like me. She wanted me to be her boyfriend.

What happened to her?  Who is he? And whose trap was it?

‘’Come on wolf, you can sleep with me, besides if you do decide to eat me at least I am already hurting’’. She shrugs after she says that making me frowned.

She sneaked me in to her room, and had me lying down on her bed, she went and put some boy boxers and a white t-shirt and came to lie down next to me, and put her hand on my fur and begin stroking it.

I felt relax and immediately fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up and left her room through the window.

I went to the spot where I had spare clothes and shift to my human form and got dressed, still wondering about who could have hurt Sam, I made my way back to the Turner's house only to walk in an argument between Sam and her parents.

‘’You do not need to talk to the principal, I am fine’’. She yelled at them.

‘’No you're not, you change we just haven't said anything we thought you were depressed because of Isaac leaving, and now that he's back we thought you be fine but you're not’’. Her mom sounded desperate.

‘’What could have possibly gave you the idea that I was depressed because of him? He is not that special, and I am fine so stay out of my life’’. She screamed and we all flinched at her tone of voice.

‘’Come on, let's go to school’’. She orders me and I was dumbstruck by that.

She saw my confusement and rolled her eyes.

‘’If I don't take you with me, they’re going to think something is wrong with me, or that I’m avoiding you because I missed you or some shit like that, so get it together and let's go’’. She explains to me.

‘’Watch your language, young lady’’. Mr. Turner said to her, but he had a smile on his face.

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