Chapter 6

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Isaac's pov

She smelled like sex, well to be exact like Mr. Roberts our History teacher.

Nevertheless, she looked so tired, so defeated as if she is given up.

What worried me the most was that she seemed to be hurting and yet she refuses help, she will not cry at all, at least that is what Mark and Martin told me.

‘’Why? Tell me why you would come back?’’. She asks me while looking out the window.

‘’I didn't have a choice back than being under age and all, so I had to wait til I was old enough to come back, believe me I wanted to come back, hell I didn't want to leave in the first place, I left something precious to me behind and it hurt me’’. I reply to her and it was true, it hurt me when I left her here, I was only 12 years old but I already knew that her and me belong together, we were destined to love each other.

‘’You should have stay back there, this is not your place anymore’’. I gritted my teeth at her words and she shut her eyes.

‘’I beg to differ, I think this is the only place I belong to’’. I drawl while looking out the windshield.

We stay quiet for the rest of the drive; I wanted to ask what had happened to her, back then and today. Why was she hurting so much? Who hurt her back then? And how?

I wanted to fix it; I wanted to hurt whoever hurt her.

‘’Did I hurt you?’’ I whisper my question to her; I was scared of the answer.

She turned to look at me, she stare at me for the longest time without blinking, and then started biting her lower lip.

‘’It did hurt, I am not going to lie but I got over it’’. She said and broke eye contact with me, I frowned than why is she still hurting?

‘’Ok so than what happened to you, your family said that you have not dated at all’’. I pointed it out to her while gripping the steering wheel tightly, we both knew that was a lie, she was more than dating only her dates weren't meet the parents material.

‘’Just drop it Isaac, we are not friends anymore, I change and you change, we are both too different’’. She sounded so tired.

‘’How are we both different?’’  I was starting to panic, she doesn't feel what I feel, my mom did say that when we are mated to humans that it would be hard seeing as their feelings aren't as stronger as werewolf's feelings.

‘’We just are’’. She replies.

‘’What if I say, that I love you, I never not even for a minute forgot about you, that you're the reason that I’m back and that I’m going to do whatever it takes to win you and marry you’’. I finish and she shook her head sadly, but not a tear in sight.

‘’I am damage, and we cannot be together, so do not waste your time’’. She spoke in a cold tone, narrowing her eyes at me.

‘’Oh, I’m not giving up til you say yes to me, When you wake up in the morning I’ll be there, at school I’ll be by your side to scare the Teacher and the Principal away from you, I’ll let everyone in school know that YOU belong to me and I to you’’. I saw her suck in some air and hold it in, I smile I was getting to her.

‘’When you go to bed I'll make sure that I’m the only face in your mind so that you dream of me, as of this moment you my love will breath, see, hear and live nothing but me, and I will do the same, hell I’ve been doing it ever since I left all those years ago’’.

I finish my speech and she just stared at nothing, by now we were parked on her driveway, she slowly turns to me.

‘’Believe me, you don't want to know what happened to me all those years ago, who hurt me, you think you do but this will hurt you more than you think, fuck you might end up hating me for it since it involves you’’. She drawls slowly staring into my eyes.

‘’I’m actually tempted to tell you just so you can leave me alone, so I’m going to say this one last time, do not open doors that might end up hurting you, leave them shut and stay away from me’’. She open the door and walk into her house and shut it behind her, I was confuse what did she mean by that?

How can I possibly get hurt by what happened to her all those years ago, I was not even here.

However, the feeling in my gut was telling me different, I knew somehow she was right, but that did not mean anything as long as my mate was happy I‘d do anything for her.

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