Chapter 3

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Sam's pov

I was driving to school and I felt him looking at me, I just ignored it, he was not going to have the chance to get in my life not anymore.

‘’Why did you change?’’  He asks in a whispered.

‘’I said I would drive you to school, it does not involved me talking to you, get this straight WE are not friends’’. I snap and he wince at my voice.

I continue driving, and he continue staring at me, when we got to the school I had my own personal parking spot and Isaac scowl at me, I narrow my eyes at him.

‘’Wow fucking the principal does have its benefits’’. He hisses with hatred.

How in the hell did he know? He has been back only two days and he already knows this.

He could see my confusion, yes confusion because I wasn't scared or panicking, because honestly I didn't care who knew, I just didn't want to deal with the kind of drama it would bring if people knew about me and the principal, and they would expect us to be a couple in love and I was far from it.

‘’Tomorrow you are driving your bike, I do not care if the bitch do not have any brakes, I do not want you near me, is that clear?’’  I growled hatefully at him.

‘’As fucking water’’. He growls and swing open my car door and stepped out of it, and slammed my door and stomp off.

I breathe in and out a couple of times and got out of my car, I put on my sunglasses and proceed to walk into the school when a hand shot out to grab my wrist, and came face to face with Mr. Roberts.

‘’A student? Really?’’ He said raising a questioning eyebrow, and I mimicked his moved by raising mine in questioning.

‘’I saw the way you act around him, you feel something for him’’. He seethes.

‘’I have no clue what you are talking about’’. I argue and tried to get out of his hold but he only tightened his grip making me wince from the pain.

‘’Do not act stupid Sam, you know exactly what I am talking about’’. He narrows his eyes at me.

‘’Is everything ok here?’’  Ask Mr. Peterson looking at me than at Robertson.

‘’Hey sweetie I have been looking all over for you''. Isaac’s voice came from behind me.

To say this was awkward was an understament all three men were glaring at each other, Isaac came to my side and slid his arm around my waist.

My heart stopped, for a minute and then begin to pound like crazy as Isaac got near me ,his touch was like it was all those years ago warm and gentle and for the first time in a long time I felt complete, I wasn't hurting anymore, like I found a piece of me that I had lost.

‘’Principal, Mr. Roberts have a good day’’. Isaac told both of them and drags me with him, once we were out of earshot and sight he let go of me; I almost frowned at the loss of contact but pushed it down.

‘’So the principal, and a teacher, really?’’. He manages to say through gritted teeth and to my surprised, the disappointment in his voice cut me deep, I felt bad for disappointing him.

I wanted him to be proud of me, to love me, and then I shook my head, why was I feeling this? One minute I hated his guts and as soon as he touches me.

I feel like I belong to him and he belongs to me.

This was too intense for me, hell I avoided relationships because of it.

Moreover, here I am feeling all this crap for the person who stole my first kiss and then left without so much as a goodbye.

I needed to stop this feelings, Isaac did not deserve this feelings coming from me.

Not after what I went through when he left, ok I know it was not fair me blaming him for what happened to me after he left, but it happened right after he left me, so yeah in my own twisted way it is his fault.

‘’You feel it too? Don't you?’’  Isaac asks me, sounding desperate while searching for something in my eyes.

I gulp a huge amount of air, shut my eyes, and then let go of my air.

Than I open my eyes and glare at him, damned him for making me feel like this, damned him for giving me the sense of security when he's around like he did back then, and most of all damned him for leaving me back then.

‘’Do not talk to me, you and me are nothing’’. I glare at him and walked away from him.

I hurry into an empty classroom and let myself go; I breathe in and out and tried but fail to cry.

I cannot cry.

Maybe because somehow I deserved what happened to me.

I didn't tell anyone what happened to me, and I won't either.


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