Chapter 18

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Sam's pov

I was not sure, but I think the strange calls were coming from Isaac and I did not know how that made me feels, pissed or happy because he still cared enough to check up on me.

I was lying back in bed with Tyler (Mr. Peterson) we were at his cabin for the weekend.

My parents really gave up this time; they do not ask me where I have been or where I am going anymore.

They don’t call me anymore and I’m not going to lie it hurt me, but I wasn't about to go and cry about it, Tyler has been really sweet but I could tell he was getting worried because I haven't said the three words he wanted me to say back to him.

I mean really who goes and say I love you to anyone just like that. How do you really know if you love someone? Why can't I feel it? Why Isaac didn’t think I was worth it? Why can't he love ME, as Tyler does? Why did he leave me?


I was in my bedroom listening to music when my cell ring, I glance at the screen and it said private caller.

I knew right away, who it could be, and I took in a long gulp of air and then let it out, than I answer.

‘’Hello’’. I spoke softly; I heard breathing on the other line, creepy.

‘’You know for someone who does not want me, you sure call a lot’’. I stated.

‘’I’m sorry, i-i ju-‘’. He kept stuttering.

‘’Isaac, why are you calling me?’’. I asked with my eyes closed.

‘’I miss you’’. He spoke so low and sad, I could hear it in his voice and it broke my wall a little, and that has just pissed me off more, how can this boy have so much power over me? Why can't I be empty and cold with him, like I am with the rest?

‘’You cannot call me anymore, Isaac I am getting married and you need to stop calling me’’. I lied, I was not getting married, but I did not want him to keep doing this to me, if he wanted to be out of my life than he needed to stay out of it for good, no calls, no letters no contact whatsoever.

I heard a growl on the line, and I did not even flinch at the sound of it.

‘’Don’t you fucking growl at me, you wanted this’’. I snap.

‘’I am sorry, who is the lucky bastard?’’ He asks still angry.

‘’Tyler, or well Mr. Peterson’’. I answer him; why in the hell did I say his name?

‘’That fucking old fart, Sam what the fuck!’’ He exclaimed.

‘’Whoa. You do not get to put your input in my life, WE are done! Remember!  You chose this so fuck you!’’. I threw my phone at the wall smashing it to pieces.

I realized what I did and groan, fuck me I liked that phone.

There was a soft knock on my door, and I glared at it willing to whoever was on the other side to just go away.

However, the knocking continues and Mark and Martin showed up once I opened it.

‘’What is it?’’ I snapped at them and they flinched.

I sigh and pinch the tip of my nose, this was my brothers for god sakes, I used get along with them, and sighing again, I turned to look at them.

‘’We are worried about you sis’’. Said Mark.

‘’I know, hell I am worried about myself too, but I do not know what to do’’. I said defeated.

‘’Let us help you’’. Martin spoke for the first time since they been in my room.

I sat down on my bed and gestures to them sit with me.

‘’How can you help me?’’ When I do not even know what is wrong with me’’. I said giving up on covering my feelings, I could not anymore my walls were not strong enough; Isaac was to blamed for that.

‘’How about, we find out what is wrong with Isaac, I mean the boy was or is crazy about you, it has just does not make any sense’’. Mark was looking confuse as hell.

I sigh, they do not know about Isaac being a wolf and about his crazy father and the alpha.

Than all of the sudden a bulb light up in my head, of course they made him leave me, they probably told them they'll kill me if he didn’t go back with them, I smile.

‘’What, do you have an idea?’’ Martin questions me, I just nodded.

‘’Give me your cell’’. I extended my hand and Mark handed it over to me.

I scroll down his contacts and found it and I press talk, it ring once and then he pick it up.

’’Well shit, didn’t think you be calling me ever again’’. Said Isaac, he sounded somewhat happy to be hearing from my brothers.

Whom they were staring at me with confusement written on their faces.

‘’Isaac, it is me’’. I whisper.

‘’Sam, are you ok? What is wrong? Did something happen?’’ He sounded worried and that confirm my thoughts.

‘’You really do love me? Don’t you?’’ He chuckle softly.

‘’Yeah, I do I am sorry for hurting you’’. He was speaking softly.

‘’We need to find a way to get you back here with me’’. I told him.

‘’Thought you were getting married’’. From soft to piss in seconds, and that threw me off.

‘’I lied, I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me, but then I figured it out, they made you do this, and you did it to protect me’’. I was on the verge of crying, but I did not, I could not cry.

‘’Thank god, I was going crazy over here, ok so tell the twins everything and then later we can try to come out with a plan’’. Isaac chirps happily, I smile at his cheerful tone.

‘’Sam’’. His voice sounded hopeful.

‘’Yes, Isaac?’’. I respond.

‘’Do not sleep with him anymore please, I have to go but Keep calling me from your brothers cell, I love you baby cakes, bye’’. I scrunched up my nose at his new nickname, and whispered a soft ‘’Bye’’.

I still did not tell him 'I love you'.

I wanted to, but my lips refuse to speak those foreign words.

However, he loves me, and wants me, and at that, I smile.

Now to tell the twins everything.


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