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"get out of my room."


"luke, go."


"you're so annoying."

"i know."

"just leave."


luke giggled as he looked up at michael who rolled his eyes as he gave up.

the older boy collapsed down onto the bed beside luke, closing his eyes immediately.

luke kept playing a game on his ds and smirked as he looked at his best friend who was just about passed out.

"i covered for you all night. i went down every hour and got food for us, well, just me so i could tell your mom that we were hungry. and she came up here once but i told her you were in the shower, and-"

"i get it. you're the best."

"i am the best." luke said, and closed the ds, laying beside michael.

the older boy nodded, and luke smiled a little.

"since you're hanging out with cool kids now, you're gonna be needing me a lot more often." luke said, pulling the blanket over him and his best friend.

"yeah right, luke. turn off the light and come here." michael mumbled, and luke switched off the lamp before crawling over to his red-headed friend.

michael slung an arm over luke, and luke snuggled closer as he felt his eyes close too.

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