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Selcouth: (adj.) Unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous.


Y/n): Your Name

(L/n): Last Name

(h/c): Hair Color

(e/c): Eye Color

(f/c): Favorite Color

There will be some swearing and sexual themes throughout this story,  but nothing as serious as to mark mature. PLEASE DO NOT REPORT THIS AS MATURE!

Thank you! ♥

For as long as (Y/n) could remember, her Nana had warned her about the horrors of the surface. In her younger days, the (h/c) haired girl would be put to sleep with the same saying. ‘You must never go to the surface, because on the surface are humans. Humans are nothing but trouble, especially ones that sail all the way out here. They’re either greedy merchants or filthy pirates,’ Nana would say before a kiss goodnight.

Those words stuck with the young mermaid long after her Nana’s death, and she would often mutter the quote to herself when she was missing the tough old mer-woman who raised her. Nana had brought up (Y/n) to a graceful, kind, and much adored mermaid who was often acknowledged for her open-ended personality and willingness to put herself before others. Nana would surely be proud of her god-daughter.

Although (Y/n) had been taught to resent humans her whole life, she couldn’t help but be curious of the creatures. When she was just a young girl, (Y/n)’s parents were killed by fishermen looking for a quick fix of money. In several countries, mermaid scales were considered valuable materials for jewelry and decoration. It was honestly repulsive. True, (Y/n) had reason to hate humans most of all , but, she decided against it, despite her upbringing and her parent’s loss. Of course, she could never tell Nana about her secret desire to meet a human, (Or anyone else for that reason…) so she kept her wishes to herself.

To humans, Mermaids were enchantingly beautiful creatures with elegant movements and mysterious demeanors. To the mermaids, humans were just as untouchable, like a regal leopard that would strike if one got too close. Letting her curiosity get the best of her, (Y/n) decided to see one of these leopards for herself.


Today was the day! Unwillingly, Neveah, ( Who was lovingly was referred to as Nevah by (Y/n),) had given into the protests of her friend, (Y/n), and accompanied the (e/c) eyed girl to the surface. For months, (Y/n) had observed the patterns of sailing ships above their village. Ships often passed on thursdays, usually around midday. Of course, this wasn’t the only time ships would pass, but it certainly was the most common. (Y/n) assumed that there was a nearby kingdom a couple of days away from where the mermaids had settled. So, of course the two mermaids decided to search for a ship on a thursday afternoon.

The two girls broke the surface and simultaneously gasped. They were not accustomed to the light, and they shielded their eyes. Not that there was much to see anyways. Still waters with a light breeze created a slight ripple against the clear blue sky. Not a ship in sight. “(Y/n), there are no ships, lets go,”  Neveah said quickly, hoping her friend wouldn’t catch onto her nervous voice. Neither of them had ever been to the surface before, and it was evident that Neveah wasn’t enjoying the experience.

The (e/c) eyed girl laughed at her silver haired friend, she was always such a worrywart. “Oh, c’mon, Nevah! We’ve been planning this forever, you can’t back out now!”

Deep and Dark (Yandere! Pirate Captain x Mermaid! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now