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Ineffable (adj.) Utterly indescribable.


Kaine reached down to (Y/n)’s frightened form.

“Wait!” She called. “Please, stop! I-I’ll do whatever you want!

Kaine tilted his head. “Hmm, that’s a lot of things to offer, darling.”

The (h/c) haired girl swallowed her fear and looked at the blond dead in his eyes. “And I’ll do them.”

The captain backed up off the girl, and placed his head in his hand, looking off to the distance and thinking. “...Alright, (Y/n). I'll take you up on that offer.”

The former mermaid cautiously backed away from the man. “And that would be?”

The young pirate looked at the (e/c) eyed girl and grinned at her. “Be a part of my crew...And…”

“And what!?” (Y/n) yelped.

Kaine leaned in close to the girl’s face, and grinned. Psh, unfairly handsome.

“Marry me.”

Needless to say, (Y/n) hesitantly agreed.

~Four Months Later~

After fully learning to walk perfectly, the (h/c) haired girl strode down the red aisle in unsure steps.

For a whole month now, Kaine's whole crew was docked in the kingdom of Villadella, Kaine Morgan’s home country.  In the time they were docked, wedding preparations were made. (Y/n) had been fitted for a dress, The church was booked, catering was arranged, and so on and so forth.

Jacob stood side by side with the young woman, escorting her down aisle. The young brunette was certainly melancholy that his now best friend was marrying his sadistic captain, but he couldn't do anything about it. (Y/n) had made this deal on her own accord.

The stopped at the base of the altar, and let his (e/c) eyed friend continue onward to her soon to be husband.

He did look dashing, but that wasn't any solace to (Y/n). Of course it wasn't! What would be?

Kaine grinned and offered his hand to his bride, and she took it. (Y/n) stood next to the captain, and stared at the ground, not moving a muscle until she uttered the words 'I do.’

When she did so, the crowded congregation exploded into cheering and became even more out of control when the blond kissed his newlywed wife.

(Y/n) smiled, despite the fact that she wanted to cry. She missed her tail, she missed the ocean, and she missed her friends. She would never see them again.

This was such a strange event. All these people were acting the opposite of what she felt. Well, except one. Jacob locked eyes with (Y/n), and he offered her a small smile, which she returned. (Y/n) was certain Jacob wasn't made to be a pirate, he was far too kind and wonderful.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a low voice presented itself next to her ear.

“You look beautiful, darling.”

(Y/n) sighed. “You don't look bad yourself.”

Kaine grinned and kissed his wife on the cheek. “After the reception… Well, you know what happens on wedding nights.”

Aw Shit.


A/N: Whooohoho! Even though he’s a Yandere creeper, he’s still kinda sexy, no?

Poor Jacob, I wonder if he ever developed feelings for (Y/n)??

ANYWAYS, I hope you guys were somewhat satisfied with the ending, I was! I know it was short, but this story was already running longer than I planned.

Thanks for reading! My new story will be out in a couple days!!!

Signing off!

Deep and Dark (Yandere! Pirate Captain x Mermaid! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now