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Zugzwang: (n.) A situation where every possible move or decision is a bad one, or one that will result in damage or loss.

Minor gore warning!!!


One should never underestimate the wrath of a drunk pirate captain.


Under any circumstance.

After last night's 'ordeal’, Kaine and demanded that the mermaid be tied up. Fearing the worse, she began to thrash around and scream her protests. Luckily for her, the mermaid did not get some horribly demoting punishment, and was instead brought to the back of the ship. She was taken to a little platform behind the ship that outcropped into the sea.

Her waist was tied with a rope and connected to the deck above, meaning she was tied to the ship and forced to swim along behind the Amelia, or sit on the little platform.

Believe me, she tried many times to break the rope, even biting on it, but nothing seemed to work. She even tried climbing the ladder to the deck, but without legs, the task was impossible.

There she was for two whole months.

Sure, she would get daily visits from the first  mate, Jacob, he was a kind young man and he had become very good friends with (Y/n). There were other things to occupy her time as well, meals, sightseeing, and she would sometimes be brought a book that she had learned to read from. She picked up the human writing very fast, since they already spoke in the same tongue.

Strangely enough, Kaine had graciously decided to visit her in only one occasion. Granted, he would creepily stare down at her. (Y/n) wasn’t quite sure what was going on with the extravagant mood-swinging captain. By now, she had known the man for a little over two months, but she still knew close to nothing about him.

(Y/n) was reminiscing about her village when she heard a shout. (Y/n) looked up to the deck, only to see the blond haired captain himself. It happened to be a very hot day, and the mermaid was sitting on the platform with her tail swinging in the water. Kaine had ditched his flamboyant hat and coat, and was only clad in his pants and undershirt. Of coURSE hE HaD To BE a ShOwOfF sOmEhOW, and he left the front of his shirt open to reveal his chest. Which happened to be very good-looking, but that didn’t matter.

The young man narrowed his eyes, and slid down the ladder to the platform. “(Y/n)!” he shouted. “Why the hell didn’t you answer me, huh?”

“I..uh, didn’t hear you?”

Kaine scoffed. “Well, we’re going to be docking a little later today.”

An overwhelming sense of panic filled the chest of the mermaid. Were they going to sell her? What was going to happen to her?

As if he could read her mind, the captain’s eyes softened. “Calm down, darling. Nothing’s gonna happen to you. You’re just gonna stay here on the ship.”


Kaine grinned, “Oh, is my (Y/n) nervous?”

“N-No! I’m just relieved.”

Kaine smiled. “I’m just messing with you, darling.”

The (h/c) haired mermaid huffed, and rolled her eyes, turning her eyes back to the ocean.  The two sat in silence, both appreciating the serene beauty and letting their legs (and tail) trail in the water.

“So,” Kaine asked. “What’s it like to be a mermaid?”

(Y/n) looked to the blond in a questioning glance, but the shrugged and returned to her previous position. “Not that different, I guess. Except I can breathe underwater.”

Deep and Dark (Yandere! Pirate Captain x Mermaid! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now