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Suadade: ( n.) A nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant, or that has been loved or been lost; 'the love that remains’


Captain Morgan still held the mermaid’s face in his hand, and he slightly tilted his head to the side. “You understand me, correct?” When the mermaid tried to jerk her head away, the blond held her face tighter, and she let out a yelp. (Y/n) was forced to stare into the young man’s eyes, and she was not enjoying the experience. Even though he was really handsome.

“Y-yes,” she mumbled, averting her eyes from the pirate.

“Hmm,” he said, letting her face go and standing up. He looked to his crew. “Where’s the other one?”

(Y/n) began to tremble with anger. These monsters didn’t even know they killed her best friend?

The crew was deathly quiet, and no one moved nor spoke a single word. “Well?” The blond asked again.

An older man slowly stepped forward. He was shabbily dressed and looked to be around 40. “Sir..I….I accidentally hit her.”

The Captain placed his hands behind his back, and took slow steps forward towards the man. (Y/n) was sitting behind the green-eyed man, and she couldn’t see what his expression was.

“What did I specifically ask you not to do?” Captain Morgan asked in a eerily calm voice.

“....H-Hit the m-mermaids…”

“Very good,” The blond said. “Now, since you cost an innocent mermaid her life...You're going to pay with your own.”

“Wait, What?”

The Captain snapped his fingers, and turned around on his heel, back towards (Y/n). Two burly men grabbed the man who threw the spear, and began dragging him towards the edge of the ship. The man began kicking and screaming, begging for help. No one moved a muscle, and the man was thrown overboard without a second fault.

Even though that was the man who killed Neveah, (Y/n) was still horrified at the act. Yes, she was horrified, but she didn’t feel remorse. Sure, she felt bad about that, but she just couldn’t.

In her thoughts, (Y/n) didn’t notice that the Captain had lowered himself to her level, and she was now staring him right in the face. “I’m sorry about your friend,” The captain said honestly.

(Y/n) began tearing up. “I-it’s not your f-fault,” the (h/c) haired mermaid said, trying not to cry.

If a mermaid died in a heroic act, specifically saving another mermaid, and she was in the ocean, she would be reborn in one moon cycle from when she died. Still, It would be another thirty days until Neveah would be alive, and she wouldn’t remember (Y/n). Knowing this, (Y/n) was slightly relieved, but this still didn’t mean she didn’t have reason to grieve.  It was very traumatizing to watch her die, and their friendship would never be the same. That is, if she could escape.

The Captain stood back up, and still looked down at the mermaid. “Allow me to introduce myself,” He said with a bow. “I am Captain Kaine Morgan.” Kaine leaned downwards, and looked the mermaid up and down. “What is your name, darling?”

(Y/n) was suddenly nervous, and she tried to cover up her upper body, as it would be slightly revealing to the humans. She looked down, and didn’t answer.

Kaine grabbed her arm, slightly lifting her up. (Y/n) looked at the young man with fearful wide eyes, trying to pry her arm away.

“I’ll ask you again,” He said menacingly. “What. Is. Your. Name.”

Deep and Dark (Yandere! Pirate Captain x Mermaid! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now