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La douler exquise  :(n.) The heart wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable.


Despite the warning she had received, (Y/n) was still determined to escape. Of course it was a stupid idea, but she was so desperate for freedom that she had to try anyways.

The former mermaid unsteadily and slowly stood back up with the help of a bed post, and stumbled over to the huge door. (Y/n) pulled on the handle, only to find it locked. She pulled again and again until she cried out in frustration and dropped to the floor.

This can't be happening.

She closed her eyes and calmed her a, trying not to let tears slip. She took a deep breath, stood up shakily. If she couldn't escape, she had to at least hide.

The room was pretty spacious, especially for a pirate ship. There weren't any windows, so no solace there. (Y/n) stumbled around the room, taking note on the furniture. Under the bed was too obvious. Same with the wardrobe. The (h/c) haired girl was still searching when she froze.

There were footsteps coming down the stairs.

The girl began to panic, and she did the first thing that came to her mind, she would wait to the side of the door, and slip out when Kaine was looking for her.

(Y/n) pressed herself to the wall, and calmed her breath. No way she would be found out now, she had so much determination.

Just as her breath had completely calmed down, the sound of a key turning was heard, and the oak door was thrown open. Much to her dismay, (Y/n) had chosen the wrong side of the door to stand behind, and the door came within a centimeter of crushing the girl. She wouldn't be able to escape unless the door was moved, and her only hope was the the pirate would leave the room without seeing her and leaving the door unlocked.


Captain Morgan scanned the room, looking for the (e/c) eyed girl, only to be left with nothing in return. He growled, and stalked into the room.

The blond growled, and opened the wardrobe to find nothing.“(Y/n)! Where the hell are you!”

He began tearing his room apart,  knowing that she had probably hidden herself. His quest for the former mermaid proved fruitless, and he began knocking furniture down in pure anger and frustration.

“(Y/N)!” He hollered. “GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!”

The (h/c) haired girl trembled behind the door, genuinely afraid for her life. She was about to let out a small squeak, but clamped her hand to her mouth. Tears pooled in the corner of her eyes, and threatened to spill if anything further provoked her.

She closed her eyes, and hoped that this would all be over soon.

Everything was now eerily quiet, and those few seconds of silence we're the most horrifying sounds ever heard by the girl.

(Y/n) felt the door slowly being moved away from her, and the light from the candles began to illuminate her face. She opened her eyes, and took her hands off her mouth, trying to claw onto the wall behind her, as if would anchor her to her spot.

The door gave a defying thud, indicating that it was now closed, and she was left plain out in the open.

(Y/n) shuddered, and stared at the ground, refusing to look at the man in front of her.

“(Y/n),” he purred. “Look at me.”

She shook her head, unable to find the words to speak.

“Look at me, (Y/n).”

The mermaid knew defying the captain would only result in further punishment, but she just couldn't bear to look at her captor.


The said girl finally looked up at the short tempered captain, and was greeted with the sight of a panting, crazed looking Kaine Morgan. He stared at her in such a way that it made the mermaid feel as if she was looking into the eyes of a hungry predator.

Kaine took a couple of staggering, deep breaths, and calmed his breathing down. “What did I tell you,” he spoke suddenly, surprising the young woman.

“...I...I don't-”

She was interrupted by a rough hand grabbing her forearm and yanking her forward, into the the arms of the captain.

He leaned down to her ear, and smirked. “Hell to pay, darling.”

(Y/n) tried to release herself from his grip, but was only met with her arms being squeezed to the point where she let out a yelp.

“Okay, okay!” (Y/n) exclaimed, embarrassed and uncomfortable at the proximity of the good looking man. “I have to clean the deck of something! Just let me go!’

Kaine chuckled, and leaned away from the girl. “ You don't get it, do you?”

(Y/n) clenched her teeth, and tried to rip herself from the man’s grip. Her struggling was indifferent to the current situation, and was instead lifted up into the blond’s arms with infuriating ease.

He made his way across the room, frustrated that his love was fighting his so. Kaine growled at the female in his arms, and dropped her onto the mattress. The girl let out a squeak at the sudden movement, and Kaine took a seat next to the girl.

She did not like this one bit.

(Y/n) tried to crawl away to the opposite side of the bed, but her arm was grabbed harshly, and she was pulled onto her back.

“Well,well,well,” Kaine said, face appearing above her. “ That just solidifies my choice now, doesn't it?”

Horrified, (Y/n) began to tremble.

Kaine crawled over to his darling, and straddled her hips. It was simply intoxicating how scared she was. He leaned over to her, and gave her a gentle kiss. “ Darling,” he whispered softly next to her ear. “I'm sorry I can't be gentle with you, this is your own fault.”

(Y/n) shuddered because of the warm voice so close to her. 'You don't have to do this,’ she thought. 'Please, Kaine.’

The male kissed her lips again, the dipped his head to her neck, kissing down the exposed skin. He reached her collarbone, and began to suck on an area of skin.

(Y/n) thrashed back and forth. She hated how this human body was betraying her, and she refused to let a moan escape her lips. Kaine was obviously displeased with this, and bit on her sweet spot, gently sucking on it after.

(Y/n) groaned, and tried to push the male off of her.

Still, he refused to be moved, pinning her arms above her head instead.

All her struggling and screaming did nothing to the fact that Kaine was doing whatever he wanted with her. He moved up to her lips, and gave her a bruising kiss, biting her bottom lip asking for entrance. (Y/n) refused. Now way he was going to do that.

Well, apparently nevermind​. The blond covered the (e/c) eyed girl’s nose, and she tried to hold her breath. Alas, she finally let out a gasp for air, and Kaine easily slipped his tongue into her open mouth. He ran his own tongue all around the edge of hers, and continued exploring until forced to breathe.

He sat up, and wiped his mouth with a grin on his lips. “Now then,” he said, taking off his shirt with a grin. “This is where the fun starts.”


Deep and Dark (Yandere! Pirate Captain x Mermaid! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now