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Hello everyone! Before you read I have a few announcements to make! First, I will be finishing my other stories! I just keep getting distracted and can't help writing and creating new stories! Second, this story is inspired by Nanao Chu, please check her videos on YouTube! Especially the song "Jealous" where I got inspiration from! Lastly, this story will contain slight lemon!! Remember, I have warned you!

Without further ado, please enjoy chapter 1!



   The announcement rang throughout Hetalia high school on every speaker, everyone giggling at the demise of a certain Prussian and French duo. One student in particular, a certain blonde haired American, was woken up from his afternoon nap at the library. Alfred, known in school as the troublemaker, let the book that was covering his face fall to the floor as he sat up. He let out a chuckle at how angry Mr. Wang Yao sounded, it was almost too easy getting the Chinese man pissed off. Alfred stood up off the floor and did an almighty stretch that popped all the right bones in place. He then let out a long yawn, unknowing of a fly buzzing around the entrance of his mouth till it was too late. 

   "Ehh Bleeh!!" Alfred sputtered as he began spitting and coughing while clawing at his tongue. It took the poor American 5 minutes to calm down, Alfred silently promising himself to kill every fly he sees without mercy. After making a mental note to buy a fly swatter, Alfred picked up his backpack off the floor and swung it on his back.

Geez Im thirsty as hell, might as well get some water before I ditch my last class.

   Alfred gave one final yawn, covering his mouth with his hand this time, and slowly walked the long aisles of books.

No matter how many times I've ditched in here, I can't get over why this library is so huge! I mean, does anyone even care about books this much? It's really stupid, almost as stupid as the principal holding a FREAKING PANDA inside his office! (On top of that, how did Gilbert and Francis sneak a 200 pound bear out of the office?) And no one even bothers to call PETA? H--"

   Alfred came to a halt when he heard something -no- someone... Crying? Curiosity killing the cat, Alfred peeked through some books, since the sound was coming from the other side. Finally getting a good look at the person, Alfred let out a gasp at who the person actually was.

Arthur Kirkland.

He was a goody two shoes, always getting straight A's, shows up to school on time, a teacher's pet, and seemingly perfect and untouchable. Add that all with a cold and calm demeanor, and it's no wonder how he became student council president.

But why is he crying?

   Alfred continued to look, even as the fresh tears spilled down the British boys porcelain cheek, even when his eyes were glassy, making his emerald green eyes shine, and even when his shoulders shaked as his body was trying to control the unkempt emotions. Arthur then wiped his tears with his sleeves, before opening his backpack and pulling out a book.

'The Labyrinth?' Alfred read in his mind, focusing on the book in Arthur's hands. Arthur placed the book back in its rightful place on the shelf, his right index finger lingering a little longer, before he wiped his face one last time and walked away.

   Alfred leaned back, trying to get over the shock of seeing Mr. Perfect so... Broken. Not only that, but Alfred's cheeks were burning, and a flaming red blush spread across his face. But, only one question lingered in his mind.

Why was he crying?


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