Pep Rallies

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Hello everyone! Im back with another chapter ladies and gentleman! Phew this was a long one too! And sorry for all the Russia lovers out there, I had to have a villain in the story and who better than Russia right?

Without further ado, here is chapter 4


To say Arthur was stressed would be the understatement of the year. Oh no, he was dragged through hell and back and forced to burden 1000 elephants (or Alfred, can't really tell the difference) on his shoulders. To put it simply, Arthur was setting up the pep rally at school today.


If only that bloody Italian ordered the streamers and balloons on time like I asked him, then I wouldn't be in this mess! " Arthur furiously thought to himself as he hung up another streamer that he bought this morning. And he only had another hour and a half to finish the entire gymnasium.

So after noticing that he used the last pair of streamers he had with him, he climbed down the ladder in order to get more from the student council room. It wasn't a long walk anyway, he'd just have to walk up three flight of stairs and go through two hallways and the room is the last door to the right.

Grudgingly, Arthur finally made it to the room and got the extra streamers, he also took the balloons and T-shirt launcher so he wouldn't have to take the extra trip back. But, that meant he had to carry a big box full of the supplies, and he was pretty sure the box weighted as much as him. So with much complaining, Arthur somehow picked up the box and started his voyage back to the gymnasium.

Barely making it past the first hallway, Arthur stopped to take a breather. He picked the box up again and made it past the second hallway where he came face to face with the stairs to hell. Arthur briefly considered just throwing the box down the stairs, but got rid of that idea as fast as it came.

"Here goes nothing." Arthur said as he rubbed his hands together. The British teen was a millimeter away from grabbing the box when a dark chuckle behind him froze him in his tracks.

"That looks a little heavy da?"

There was no mistaking that deep Russian accent, it belonged to none other than Ivan Braginsky. Arthur gulped. He slowly turned around to face the abnormally tall teen.

"H-Hello Ivan, f-fancy seeing you h-here." Arthur stuttered as he tried desperately to not run with his tail between his legs. Oh yes, he will not deny that he is scared shitless of the tall Russian (Who wouldn't be?). Ivan had built a reputation since his freshman year of HighSchool as a cruel and relentless bully. He was also the reason so many students either dropped out or exchanged schools.

Fortunately, Arthur had managed to avoid the Russian this whole time.... Until now that is.

"Why are you carrying a big box? Do you need help?" Ivan asked with an obviously fake smile. Arthur did not know his intentions, and he really didn't want to, but he couldn't just tell him to sod off.

"That will be q-quite alright, as student council president this should be my job." Arthur said, praying to God that it didn't come off as rude or offensive to the teen in front of him. But alas, Arthur's prayers were never one to be answered.

"That is very rude of you to reject such a kind offer, is my help not good enough for you?" Ivan asked, tilting his head to the side as he tried to look innocent. His calm demeanor didn't fool Arthur, not when his eyes were trained on him like some kind of prey.

"Which I probably am." Arthur thought.

"No it's not that! I'd r-rather do my job by myself is all." Arthur said.

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