I Love You Too

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Hello everyone! I hope you like the last chapter, and I thank you all for reading!

It was so hard trying to make this chapter, I had to go online and look up examples of confessions! But I'm happy with the outcome.

Be warned, this is my longest chapter yet! Please enjoy, and have a great rest of the day or night lol


Arthur sighed as he sat alone at lunch in the student council room. Normally, he wouldn't mind being by himself, but he hasn't seen a certain American since yesterday evening.

No phone call, text message, and he didn't even stop by to see him in the morning. Which had confused Arthur greatly, because he was sure he got the message clearly from what Alfred gave him as a present yesterday.

"Alfred?" Arthur asked as he stepped into the student council room with his empty trashcan.

"Did he leave?" Arthur asked himself. He placed the trashcan on the floor next to his desk, and sat down in his chair. That is when he noticed the present.

"I forgot, the git wanted me to open it." So Arthur grabbed the box and placed it on his lap. Carefully, he tore the green wrapping off and threw the pieces in the trash. When that was finished, he ripped the box open.

And inside, he was surprised to see a book tapped to the bottom of the box. He immediately grabbed the book, and carefully pulled it from the tape holding it down.

"The Labyrinth? Why would he buy me this book?" Arthur wondered. He took the remaining pieces of tape off, and inspected the object in his hands. The book was a dark red, and had black roses along the sides. The golden letters in the top spelled out 'The Labyrinth' with an elegant cursive penmanship.

"Why would he give me this? Is there something special about it? Sure it's a good book, I read it before. About two months ago I checked this exact book out at the school library, then I returned it back. But I don't want to remember that day, I went to return the book and I bloody cr---"

Arthur's eyes widened as his hands clenched the book tighter. He remembered fully well that he was crying when he returned the book back to the shelf. Could Alfred had seen him?

"That bloody git, he has some explaining to do." Arthur said to himself with a smile. He hugged the book closer to him as he secretly blushed.

Flashback End:

So now lunch ended, and Arthur sighed for the second time. He had really hoped he'd see the blonde git, but apparently that isn't happening today.

And just as he was going to open the door, the bloody frog and... Alfred walked in? What are those two doing together?

"Hello Mon Ami, we have came to personally thank you." Francis announced as he walked in.

"H-Hello Arthur, n-nice to s-see you again." The Alfred look alike said. Arthur looked closer, and realized that indeed it was not Alfred, it was his twin brother.

"Oh Matthew, sorry I forgot it was you. I mistaken you for Alfred."

"I-Its ok, I'm used to it." Matthew sighed.

"Well I do hope you two worked out your argument yesterday, although I never would have thought you'd cry over Matthew like that you frog." Arthur smirked over at Francis. The Frenchman immediately tensed up as Matthew looked between them confused.

"What do you mean?" Matthew asked.

Arthur noticed Francis frantically waving his arms around from behind the Canadian, but he wouldn't be a proper Englishman if he didn't get revenge on the French teen.

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