The Surprise Sleepover

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Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy the update, and I thank you all for your patience!!

P.S. if you didn't understand what Kiku said, it was this -- "Is it normal for American schools to have wild animals in the principal's office?"

Without further ado, here is chapter 5!


"Ahhhhh, Alfred my love, save me!" Arthur yelled at the top of the tower.
"Don't be afraid my dear maiden, I will come to rescue you!" Alfred yelled back, his armor glistening as the sun reflected off of it. Arthur swooned as Alfred defeated countless of guards with his awesome sword and ninja skills.
"The power of our love is stronger than 1000 men!" Said Alfred, effortlessly cutting down the last guard and climbing to the top where his damsel awaits. He slams the door open, and sees Arthur standing before him in a black, two-piece bikini.
"Oh my huggy bear, how long were you going to keep me waiting?" Arthur said, blushing and looking at Alfred with lust filled eyes.
Alfred had never been more in love.
He quickly grabbed the Brit by his waist and laid him down on the bed, Alfred wasted no time in exploring his mouth with his. He touched every part of Arthur's exposed flesh, and played with the string of the bikini on his hips. After a few moments, Alfred pulled back for air, and stared into Arthur's eyes lovingly. Arthur smiled, and when he opened his mouth a strange "buzz" sound came out.
Alfred was confused, then suddenly Arthur's face morphed into a fly and he started buzzing. Alfred jumped off looking terrified, and Arthur's body crawled towards him but he still had the head of a fly.
He screamed...

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Alfred yelled, earning the attention of everyone in his science class. He quickly narrowed his eyes at his desk and found the culprit. The small fly was walking around, buzzing away as though it didn't wake him up from the beautiful dream he was in.


Alfred's face showed no mercy as he killed the insect with his fly swatter.

"Alfred Jones! What on earth do you think your doing!?" His teacher yelled from in front of the room.

Alfred looked up sweetly, almost tilting his head as he said, "I'm just killing the fucking bastard who woke me up from my -almost- sex dream."

The teacher was silent, she was taking a while to process exactly what her student said. The rest of the students were shocked too, except Francis who snickered in the seat behind him.

"Alfred... Go to the office."


"Hey Kiku, so Gilbert and the gang are going to try and steal the principal's panda again, but this time they're going to replace it with Matthews polar bear. It's totally going to be awesome!"

"Is it normaru for american schoors tū have wird animars in the principal's office?" The Japanese teen asked.

"Dude this is America, nothing is normal." Alfred laughed, as though his answer explained everything.

School ended, and the two friends were walking together to the local bookstore. Surprisingly, it was Alfred who asked Kiku to come. Kiku didn't mind, but he was quite curious as to why his friend would want to buy a book. He didn't have to wait long, since they were finally at the entrance of the bookstore. They walked inside but Alfred stopped Kiku from walking any further.

"Wait here Kiku, this won't take long!" Alfred said before he ran off into one of the aisles. Kiku was nervous, especially when the librarian was staring at him from behind the counter. Luckily, his American friend ran back as quickly as he left.

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