Always the Jealous Type

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Hey everyone! I am really excited for this new chapter, and I really don't know how good it came out so please leave a comment on any mistakes I made!   

Without further ado, here is chapter 3

   "So Arthur, why did that Italian boy come up and hug you earlier?" Alfred asked, startling the poor Brit when he closed his locker. Alfred was hiding behind it, and right now he had a dark aura appearing behind him with a sinister half-smile on his face.

   "Earlier? Italian boy? Are you talking about Feliciano Vargas? You git, he is apart of the student council! He has a tendency of hugging everyone!" Arthur said in disbelief

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   "Earlier? Italian boy? Are you talking about Feliciano Vargas? You git, he is apart of the student council! He has a tendency of hugging everyone!" Arthur said in disbelief.

   "What if he has ulterior motives?! For all we know, he could be trying to seduce you!" Alfred yelled dramatically, holding on to Arthur's shoulders as he lightly shook him.

   "Oh, like how you try and seduce me?" Arthur said sarcastically.

   "Exactly! I'm the only one allowed to!"

   "No one even gave you permission you wanker!" Arthur said as he slapped the Americans hands off his shoulders. "And just so you know, Feliciano already has a boyfriend. His name is Ludwig and he is in the student council too."

   "... So he's taken already?"

   "Yes, you Twat."

   "Wow....I can't help but feel just a small, itty bitty pang of guilt now. It'll go away in like 10 minutes, but the thought was there."

   "Alfred, What did you do?" Arthur asked warningly.

   "Well you see Iggy, it went a little bit like this.."

   Alfred woke up early like usual, well, the new usual since he first started to pursue Arthur. If he was going to have the British teen fall for him, he'd have to make sure they were together as much as possible! So if going to the school early like Artie always does is what he must do, than so be it.

   So after taking a shower and getting dressed, Alfred drove his car to school. He was in high spirits as he parked, got out of the car, and (manly) skipped to the entrance. A goofy grin was present on his face as thoughts of the green eyed British swarmed around in his mind. He didn't get too far however, because when he turned the corner he froze in his tracks.

Someone was hugging his Arthur.

   The homewrecker, who he guessed was Italian based on how he went on about pasta, was too close to Arthur. Not a second later, Arthur pushed him off and said something about getting some books from his locker, and left.

   Alfred was instantly behind the Italian, placing his hand on the smaller boys shoulder as he turned him around.

   "Hello, my name is Alfred Jones, nice to meet you." Alfred said in a 'sweet' tone. The Italian looked nervous, but he put on a smile in return.

   "Ve~~ nice to meet you, my name is f--"

   "Let's cut to the point here, I don't want you hugging Arthur again. That tea loving, stuck up, pain in the ass is mine, got it?! I don't want to have to use extreme measures.." Alfred said. For extra emphasis, he brought out his fly swatter in an intimidating way.

   It worked, the frightened Italian ran away yelling 'sorry!' and 'Ludwig help me!'

Flashback end:
   "You idiot! Now I have to go and apologize to him!" Arthur yelled as he hit Alfred on the head, making him double over in pain. Arthur quickly ran to go find the Italian.

   "Trouble in paradise Mon cher?" A thick French voice snickered along with two other familiar voices. Alfred looked up to find the infamous trio walking towards him, each laughing at the scene they witnessed just a moment ago.

   "Shut up, he'll come around." Alfred said as he leaned against the lockers, trying to regain what dignity he can.

   "Ja, why do you let him push you around? Zhat guy is scrawny! You could easily beat him." Gilbert said.

   "Because he is a tsundere." Alfred shrugged.

   "Que? What's that?" Antonio asked.

   "It's this thing kiku told me about, a tsundere is someone who acts all cold or hostile with the person they like, sometimes hitting them (like in my case), before they eventually become all lovey dovey in the end when they finally except their feelings! But let me tell you, Artie is one tough nut to crack." Alfred said.

   "Trust me Mon Amie, Mr grumpy pants is too clueless for his own good. It will be the 8th wonder of the world if he admitted to l'amour." Francis said while flipping his long hair.

   "What do you even see in him anyway?" Gilbert asked.

   "I'm curious too, he isn't as cute as my lovino." Antonio said.

   "What do I see in him?" Alfred said, putting his hand to his chin as he wondered about it. His mind thought back to the time where he first saw him crying in the library. He couldn't get him out of his mind ever since then, and it was that moment that made him want to figure out who Arthur Kirkland was.

   "What do I see in him. Maybe it's the way he smiles when he is truly happy, or how his eyes sparkle when he reads a book, maybe it's how he blushes when he is embarrassed or even his horrible cooking. He shows his calm and serious side to other people but with me, I feel special when he shows me a different side of him. I just want to make him happy. Because he's the reason that I'm so happy." Alfred said, smiling a honest smile that showed how true his words were.

   The trio were stunned, even they were surprised at how deep the Americans was. Francis was going to say something, before an evil smirk appeared on Alfred's face.

   "And let's not forget how sexy he is, with that cute British accent and body. Just imagine him in a playboy bunny costume, the black one piece hugging his curves in all the right places with a small white bunny tail on the back, and he is laid out on my bed with his messy hair and bunny ears. His cheeks will be blushing as he opens his legs and tells me, "Come over here and take what's yours" or "Alfred, I want you to fu--"

   "Oh Alfred."

   Alfred stopped mid sentence as he involuntarily shivered. Francis, Gilbert and Antonio were smirking as they saw Arthur stand just a few feet away with a dangerous glint in his eye.

   "I didn't hear you Alfred, what was that about the playboy bunny again? I want to hear exactly what you were talking about." Arthur said, cracking his knuckles as a dark cloud of evil appeared behind him.

   "O-Oh Iggy! I didn't see you there! W-Well you see, funny story actually." Alfred said as he tried desperately to think of an excuse. Finding none, he opted to plan b.

   "Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?"

The trio face palmed.

   "Oh you git, you just dug yourself a deeper hole."

   The last thing Francis, Gilbert and Antonio heard as they walked away from the crime scene were the painful screams of an idiotic American.

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