Time to Get Spoopy

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Halloween One-Shot featuring Kleinsen, Zalanna and just the gang and some cuteness. It's a little short, sorry, but the next one will be much longer I promise! Happy early Halloween guys!!
"Come on Ev! I promised everyone we'd meet them in 10 minutes!" Jared called up to where Evan was in his room.

"So?!" Evan called back as he quickly finished getting ready. 

"We're definitely more than 10 minutes away from the Murphy's." Jared responded as he waited, "Don't tell me you're scared!"

"I am not!" Evan stepped out of his room, "just because it'll be my first time watching a horror movie doesn't mean I'm scared!"

"Alright ya acorn." Jared kissed Evan on the cheek, "can we go?"

Evan kissed Jared back on the cheek, "Yes But only because you're cute...And I'm not scared!"

Jared casually slipped his arm around Evan's shoulder as they headed out the door. "Don't worry if you get scared you can just curl up with me." Jared winked as he smirked.

"You're such a dork Jared." Evan laughed as they both got in his car and drove of to the Murphy's where they had made plans to have a scary movie marathon.

They pulled up in front of the Murphy's and the two boys got out, Evan taking Jared's hand as they walked up to the door. They knocked. Barely a second passed before Zoe opened the door to greet them.

"Hey guys!" Zoe exclaimed cheerfully, "come on in!" She ushered the two boys in and led them downstairs to the den.

When they entered the den they saw it was completely decked out in Halloween decorations. Pumpkin lights gave the room an orange glow as they hung around the side of the room. Evan noticed bowls filled with candy on the table and faux spiderwebs in the corners of the room.

"Wow, you guys really do all out." Evan noted as he looked around the room in awe of the dedication they had put into this.

"My parents. It's as if they have nothing better to do besides decorate for every single season." Zoe explained. The doorbell rang and Zoe smiled again. "That must be Alanna." She raised her voice, "Connor!"

"What!" Connor yelled back from somewhere in the house.

"Will you let Alanna in please?!" Zoe called back.

"No need!" They heard the door open and close and then Alanna's voice as she let herself into the house. "Sorry I hope you guys don't mind I just let myself in." Alanna appeared at the top of the stairs with Connor.

"You're always welcome to do that Lanna." Zoe said as Alanna descended into the room and kissed Zoe on the cheek. The two had been together for almost as long as Jared and Evan had, Connor was equally happy for all his friends. "Now," Zoe sighed, "shall we watch some Halloween movies?"

About twenty minutes into the first movie, Evan realized how right Jared had been. He'd barely made it that far before he burrowed his head in the crook of Jared's neck. Jared only laughed and wrapped his arms around Evan, as if to shield him from the fake monsters in the movie. By midnight Evan had passed out on Jared's shoulder, Connor was asleep on Jared's other, which left only Alanna, Jared, and Zoe awake. Eventually the remaining three passed out, not from exhaustion but from their sugar highs ending, at around 3:30 am. Even when Evan woke up startled in the middle of the night, he settled back down when he noticed Jared's arms were still around him, providing warmth and protection—the perfect components for a night full of sleep.

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