Pre-SQUIP Rich

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Warning: Gay used as an insult (Sorry :/ it should never be used as an insult (I myself am Bi)) and mentions of abuse.

Richard pushed up his glasses, then he closed his locker, books in hand. His head immediately dropped as he entered the not-so-natural flow of school hallway traffic. "Keep your head down and you'll be fine" that small voice in his head told him. The hallways had begun to clear as two minutes before the bell neared. But naturally, the odds never were in Rich's favor. He bumped into someone and in his shock he dropped all his binders and books.

"Oh I'm sorry," he began, kneeling to pick up his dropped books. He cringed when he pronounced the s, his lisp obvious. Richard was shoved over, he looked up to make eye contact with his attacker. Unfortunately this bullying was nothing new. Richard had to push his glasses slightly up to see who it was and try to make out the blurry shape. The school bully, Aaron Piety—a senior in high school— had yet again arrived to terrorize Richard.

"I️ bet you liked that didn't you?" Aaron sneered, towering over him like a lion does his prey. Richard looked around the hallways, all the people seeming to have vanished. "You liked it cause you're g-"

"Grow up. I️-I'm not gay. So-so stop." Richard pleaded, not lying he wasn't gay. He was bisexual and in his book both were okay.

"Tho thop." Aaron mocked his lisp. "Come on I️ think it's time I️ taught you another lesson." Richard barely had time to grab his books before he was dragged up by his messy brown hair.

In the end, Richard decided not to go to fourth period anyway. His hair was soaked and he was cold. At lunch he entered the lunchroom and immediately searched for his friend Dustin. When he found Dustin, Richard quickly ran over to his table and sat.

"Hey Richard!" Dustin said, then stopped for a moment when he noticed Richard's disheveled appearance. "Richard, you gotta tell someone about Aaron."

"It's fine. Why do you even say it was him. I️ could've just tripped and fallen." Richard made up, not wanting to talk about it.

"Sure okay." Dustin rolled his eyes, but Richard's eyes went to the person entering the lunchroom. Jake Dillinger. Aka his long time—yet definitely unattainable—crush. A guy that'd he'd kinda be into. The snapping of fingers brought him out of his daze. "Richard stop staring!"

"I️ was not staring."

"Yes you were. Richard I️ honestly don't care if you're gay," Dustin explained to him.

"I'm not gay!" Richard explained for the second time that day, in his head he added "I'm bisexual" but of course he couldn't just say that out loud. In addition to Aaron's bullying, two guys--Kurt and Ram-- also mocked him on a practically daily basis.

"The only one your lying to is yourself." Dustin commented, then quickly added, "Just do what you're comfortable with Richard."

The next day Richard found himself being shoved against a locker. "Look what we've got here Kurt." Ram sneered, shoving Richard into the locker, the locks digging into Richard's back.

"A real life gay wannabe." Kurt laughed, "Oh wait no. You aren't a wanna be are you Richard. Cause all the rumors are true you're a little-"

"Hey!" Richard heard the familiar voice of Aaron and winced, were all three of them about to team up on him? "He's my nerd to bully. Now get lost." Kurt and Ram laughed, Ram didn't even flinch or loosen his grip on Richard's shirt. "Unless you want me to tell the principle and get both of you taken off the football team." This statement scared Kurt and Ram.

"Fine have him." They released him, then quickly left the hallway. Richard just let himself slide to the floor. Aaron walked past him, kicking him before he continued down the hallway.

"Don't be such an idiot Richard."

Richard found himself thankful Aaron, Kurt and Ram were Seniors. The summer after they graduated, he felt freer. They had all left to go do dumb things. Richard spent the summer at home, mostly on his laptop gaming. That was until one day when he was surfing the web he came upon an ad for how to be cool. He didn't even bother to text Dustin before emailing the seller of this chill pill. $601 later, Richard was in possession of a- what had the guy called it? Oh yeah, a SQUIP. He took the pill with Mountain Dew Green like he was told. He fell to the floor of his room gripping his head until the pain stopped.

"Target male inaccessible." A robotic voice in his head stated.

"What?" Richard asked out loud

"Calibration in process. Please excuse some mild discomfort."

"What?! Mild?" Richard asked in a pained voice, confused about where the voice was coming from.

"Calibration complete." Seconds later the robotic voice chimed, "Access procedure initiated. Discomfort level may increase."

"Get out of my head!" He screamed, knowing no one would be home to hear or question it. His father was an abusive asshole who didn't care, his mom hadn't been there for as long as Richard could remember.

"Accessing neuro-memory. Accessing muscle memory. Access procedure complete." The voice continued, "Richard Goranski welcome to your super quantum unit Intel processor. Your SQUIP."

"Wow could you have made that any more painful?" Richard asked aloud, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Talk to me in your head you'll confuse less people.."

"Fine." Richard quickly got the hang of talking in his head.

"Now for the fun part, the glow up."

When school got back in session, the nerdy Richard--No Rich-- was gone. He had ditched the glasses for contacts, cut his hair--even dyed a strip of it red!-- and totally revamped himself. Whenever Dustin saw him, he couldn't even recognize the boy he once knew. His lisp he had was completely gone, thanks to the SQUIP. The one part of the old Rich that the SQUIP couldn't seem to erase was the part of him that felt bad every time he shoved Jeremy Heere, a boy who last year he had wanted to be friends with, up against a locker. He did it, but only because the SQUIP forced Rich to. But Rich knew it was a small price to pay for the quick rise in popularity he had. He had gone from no one to someone. Everyone knew him, teachers thought he was great, his weekends were now filled with parties instead of sitting at home and dealing with his dad. His dad had even chilled a little due to Rich's new found popularity. No one ever asked questions when the nerdy kid showed up bruised, but every one wondered when a popular kid did. The icing on the cake was that Jake Dillinger, the Jake Dillinger, was now his best friend. He had everything he could ever ask for and that was enough.

A/N: Guys I saw a picture of pre-squip Rich on instagram a while back (follow me: dearalexander_bemorechill. And thought I'd write a one-shot. It took me a lot longer than I'd expected but I hope whoever read this that you enjoyed it or at least thought it was okay and if you wanna see the original post it will be added right below. Happy holidays!!

 Happy holidays!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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