Hospital days flashbacks

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an:fiapin pihalla, Pariisissa. 21:06--> . lintijen sirkutusta ja lasten temmellysksen ääniä.


Embry/Seth was all my waking hours in the hospital. Atleast i hope he wasnt here when I was sleeping cuz thst wpuld be creepy. ^^;

Most of the time he was silent, but at times he used to smile or joke around a bit. but that was fine, i actually liked the silence. I was comfortant with it as long as I wasnt alone. yeah, i know i sound like some odd unsocial freak.^^ (an:im avtually like that. is it strange? ^^; )

   Everytime sb didnt believe my lies, he used to joke around.making me laugh.

  Always when I had/started to get headache from thinking too much of that accident thing...or that really weird dream about Bellas bf, Edward shining like discoball in sunlight which I just couldnt forgot and it kept bugging me.  Then he started to rub my aching temples or the worry wrinkle between my brows and grinned as I lifted my confused face/eyes to meet his.

  Seth/Embry were again at my hospital room, keeping me company. We were sitting, silently still at the edge of my hospital bed.

I leaned to his shoulder and he held his hand on my waist. It felt so natural with Seth/Embry for some reason. Like exactly the opposite of being/hanging out with Jake. I was always so nervous when Jake qas nearby cuz I have crush on him/love him.

Then the door suddenly creaked open and I lazily lifted up my gaze to see who it was. Tall. Boy. Tanned skin. Brown eyes. Brown shirt. Jake!

I immediately straightened up, pulled Seth/Embry away and he fell of the bed. My whole face was probably red as I smiled awkwardly and nervously and greeted Jake.

I could see his pure white pepsodent smile flashing against his tanned skin. 'Didnt notice, didnt notice...' I prayied in my head, fingers crossed. Smirking. He looked amused. 'Damn, so he noticed, huh? ' mentally cries.

"so, you guys are dating, huh? Thats pretty fast since you only met a week ago..." Jake said and smirked.

"wha-ah!? No,we not. NO! you misunderstood! we are just friends!! " I shouted back at him in panic, face all red.

They both stared and grinned at me. I scratched my new scar unconsciously and suddenly their look in their eyes darkened as if they woulf suddenly have remembered sth not so nice.

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