Benji jumping without rope--not on purpose

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-timeskip about 6-12 months(the new moon timeline cuz im being impatient^^)-

oc pov

I was sitting at the La Push with Bella.She was starting to get real close with Jacob but he was now busy about sth i really didnt know. i mean, Forks and La Push are small towns what would he be busy doing here!?

well.. anyways...Edward dumbed Bella and left Forks with his whole huge family. Cruel. Embry/Seth, Jake and the others thought seemed happy about it for some reason...well, they always seemed like they hated the Cullen-family with a great passion and even suggested me keeping distance to them....and none of them, including Jake's dad,Billy wasn't delighted at all when Bella dated Ed but. .she was happy so I didnt really have anything to complain about it...

so..after stupid Ed...dumbed Bella she first went into really depressing mood for months...then zombi mode...then she started to hang out with Jake and cheer up...then one movie night ....Jake gets sick amd Bella is really worried about him...then Jake suddenly didnt want to see her anymore which broke Bella completely even a cheese filled with holes...and...suddenly friends again...and now avoiding(?) her again...? and Bells sitting at La Push on a fallen tree trunk our only entertainment being watching the wawes crashing at the beach and rocks...there was clearly a storm coming up ...the clouds were all dark...and it was getting windier. which was boring-_-


"hey ____, could you get the both of us something to drink? my throat suddenly feels all dry..." Bella suddenly asked. "umm...sure. Just you wait here. I will be back in a minute!" :D i chirped and jogged to a small grocery store which was kept by mrs. Call. 'jeez.  ever since Ed dumbed Bella she hasn't been her normal usual self. I wonder when she starts doing sth reckless like jumping off the cliff or sth....yeah, like that would ever happen!^^ " I thought and snorted amused at the store making mrs. Call glance at me weirdly.^^;;

I soon came back, holding two cans of soda only to realize Bella was gone. "what the-?" i mumbled confused. "oh well..." i said.'I should have guessed she wouldn't bear my companion much longer...i mean no one can bear me longer than 5mins

..nope, not even my family..¤__¤ actually only Embry/Seth seemed to enjoy being with me...'

"I'm so bored...I guess i would go walk in the woods..."I mumbled softly to myself and let my feet start dragging me towards the woods. ' It's been one year and a half...or is it already two? since I met Embry/Seth...idk why but....there's sth about him that somehow seems to draw me to him again and again ...maybe because he is so funny? and nice? probably the only person on Earth who understands me...or atleast tries to..Jake has lately been only with Bella...*sting of jealousity* ....well...he loves Bella so naturally he is happy that she finally wants to spend some (a LOT of) time with him. And being around Jake seems to cheer up and help Bella recover after Ed thing...which both make me happy :) '

I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Bella's truck.  "dafug? " I said to myself really confused. Then as wind blew some strands of hair of my face like wanting me to see sth clearly  I saw a person at the cliffs. Bella? jumping off the cliff?! O.o

I opened my mouth but in vain. All the voice got stuck in my throath. I croaked trying to make words. Then before I knew my feet took off and run towards the cliffs. I stopped panting. There was a pile of Bella's clothes nearby. I took a step closer to the cliff's edge and glanced down.

The drop was huge! I can't believe sb could just jump off from here like it was nothing. I started feeling dizzy anf paranoia due to my fear of heights.  "BELLA--AAAAH!!" I screamed, my eyes widening as at the middle of the sentence I felt the cliff crunching down under my feet and the part i was standing on started crunching down to pieces. I fell fast. I tried to grab a hold of the cliff but it wasn't strong enough to hold me and i fell screaming. "AAAAAAH!!" :;;A;;  I had tears in my eyes.


an: UPDATE!!:)))) hope ur as excited as I am!:) cliffyyy~~ *does a surfing/hawaii dance motion and then surfd away...drowning...gulp..xd

disclaimer: Stwphenie Meyer own Twilight. Not me. So, don't blame in me that Edward and Jacob...wait Bella and Jake didnt end up together^^ 

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