one week later

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oc pov

its been a week since i got to the hospital. It wasnt anything serious. Atleast, i hadnt cracked my skull or anything or got brain damage. I only had lost unbelievable amount of blood and had suffered anemia. So, I had to stay at the hospital for a couple of days.

The doctors were amazed how on Earth I was able to lose that amount of/much blood since my wounds werent that deep. 

The other thing amazed them was how anybody could have found me so early after that strange accident.  Since, I was in a middle of nowhere during the accident, it would have been most likely that I wouldnt have been found in hours.

What amazed them the most was that due the huge amount of blood I had lost I probably hadnt survived If I wouldnt have got treatment/first-aid immediately after the incident even thought my wounds really werent that bad.

Plus, nobody didnt believe my story of falling over and fainting. Seriously. So,after a couple of days I lied that I hadnt remembered it completely and when Bella and her boyfriend(?) Edward came to see me and didnt seem to believe my story of tripping and falling over and fainting....

so, I told them that some blond dude had suddenly attacked me with a baseball bat in the middle of nowhere.

I told the same story to the doctors too, but they didnt seem to believe me. In fact, they all wanted to send me to a mental hospital cuz thought I had lost my sanity. I was shocked. D:

Well, ofc Bella was against it and said it was probably I had hit my head perhaps and stuff. That I was probably the hallucinating.

Carlisle, one of the doctors seemed to believe me. Atleast, he didnt seem to think I was crazy or anything....i hope.

And...the shocking news!! Carlisle looks so young! Like in his early twenties or thirties. And he has like...probably half dozen children who are the age of high school! :O like omg seriously?!?!?  makes me wonder how old he really is...and has he gone to plastic/facial surgery...hmmm...


an: just pure randomness. tried to update! and this is the result--nothing good! xD and I just realized I really really need to edit the last chap of this fic(story beginning stuff) I may be update later today again or ...seriously idk! xD

but hope you happy...that i updated..finally. like when was the last time i updated this fic? probably months ago...feels like its been ages from that now...:v




see ya after thousand years xD

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