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After a long stretch of five year's the son of the Seoul President was returning to Korea from the states. A handsome nineteen year old landed in Incheon Korea. A slight smirk playing on his stunning face. He had almond shaped eyes with brown orbs, black hair and a smile you could die for. An extremely tall lean body and a respected aura. He walked out like a celebrity with a winner idol walk and into the black car that immediately zoomed off.

"Mom, Ugrhhh why can't I just stay at the mansion?" The young boy sighed.

"Son it's too big for you to stay alone and your sister would be back by next week. So let her have it in peace. No fighting." The voice on the line sounded.

"Yes mother. Good night." And the line went dead. The giant like boy slumped on his bed as he dozed off to sleep with all the journey's tiredness.

Park Chan Yeol the president's only son. And the gem of their family. His mother owned the most prestigious school in Seoul, His sister Yoora was a famous fashion designer and was currently in London. Life in the states was more enjoyable than ever. his life was beyond splendid. A girl? Noway's, Chanyeol believed in love at first and hoped to fall hard one day. So he never dated any girl or played with her feelings. After all he had a sister who loved him beyond compare, though she was strict, he would kill a guy if he hurt his noona's feelings.

He was a man of morals and kindness, he never went to clubs or drank. He loved his own company far more than others. He did have a friend called kai, who looked like a rilakumma teddy bear. And he had to go to his new school tomorrow which that idiot also attended.

All these things were alright. Yet deep down at the depths of Chanyeols heart he missed someone. So gravely that it hurt to and extent he had no way of explaining the agony he felt. He still could remember her, the day he had left, she had cried so much that her voice became soar and broken. It had left a crack in his heart for so long. He had tried to contact and reach her but for no avail. A certain girl, with golden brown hair and a smile played in his mind and dreams and ignited Chanyeol's heart. She was none other than his childhood best friend. Byun Baekhyun.

It was morning and he had to leave for school, He wanted to protest, saying his mother he wanted to stay back and relax for some time. Still he couldn't. He can't bare to shout at the sweet lady called his mother.

"Hey dude. I am here, Get your lazy ass down quick." Kai's voice resonated upstairs to his condo. He smiled hearing it. He stared at his reflection before staring out of the window, he had agreed to stay here since they used to live here before and so did Baekhyun. For the taller's disappointment that house he loved so much looked like it had been abundant for years. 

He sighed as he grabbed his bag and went out locking the door. Kai gave him a brother hug and he motioned him to his car and drove of to school.

"Dude you got to meet my girlfriend." The tanned boy grinned looking at the road.

"What? You a girlfriend?" Chanyeol made a frowning face. And looked at his friend.

"Yes and she is a nightmare dressed like a day dream. But I couldn't help but fall for the little satan." Kai made a shivering act and continued driving.

"O.kay. So?" Chanyeol raised a brow.

"So, she has a best friend and you would totally flip your heels if you see her." Kai said pulling into the driveway of the school.

"Kai, for heaven's sake.I am not interested." Chanyeol rolled his eyes, as they walked inside school. 

Omo It's the president's son.  He is gonna study here. 

The principal's son. he fucking hot.

Look at that face. Be mine baby.

Girls fanned their faces and some fainted as Chanyeol walked it. He just smiled at the seen and walked towards his locker. Well all was set for him since his mom was the principal and he just had to come and study. 

Kai stood at the hall way trying to scan out his girlfriend. When Chanyeol finished taking his books and turned around closing the door he happened to crash into a running girl causing her books to scatter everywhere.

He quickly bent down stacking them all up and gave it to the girl who nodded and bowed at him. She had golden brown hair that waved at the ends, with long bangs that covered her eyebrows. Beautiful eye's with deep chocolate brown orbs. A button nose and pink lips. Her short skirt bounced and her long hair that cascaded to her hips swayed as she ran past him. That porcelain skin, those dainty finger's, those eyes. Felt so familiar.

Chanyeol shurgged  and continued to his first class. He was said to introduced himself.

"Annyeonghaseoyo, I am Park Chanyeol. Hope we can be friends." Chanyeol said sitting next to kai. He scanned the class room smiling. Well it wasnt the states but it did have a homely feeling.

It was almost evening when classes finally finished, kai lost his little girl friend in the hallway and had to go searching the girl while Chanyeol stayed at the lockers waiting to meet his friends girl friend. When it happened again. 

The brunette came hurriedly and slipped as Chanyeol held her wrapping his arms around her waist and balancing her. Her hair spread on the tiled floors and her right leg kneeling as Chanyeol looked at those orbs drowning in slowly. 

After an awkward silence Chanyeol straightened her up. She blushed as she wiped off the wrinkles in her skirt. 

"Hey, short skirts watch where you are going or you might seriously hurt your self." Chanyeol chuckled handing her the books she dropped.

She smiled so radiantly and cutely it melted the taller's heart. It was the shape of a box. And her eyes turned in to half moon crescents with a sparkling glint in her eyes. She nodded and bowed her again. So familiar and he knew her too well.

Just as she turned to leave Chanyeol's hand held her soft one's stopping her. The faced each other's back as the giant spoke.

"Do you really not remember me or are you trying to avoid me? Byun Baekhyun." The taller's deep voice filled the empty hallways as he pulled her before him.

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