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The morning sunlight beat brightly upon the hallways of Julliard. A beautiful brunette walked with grace as she tapped away to her class in high heels. Today was Wednesday and the little brunette was all smiles. She wore a navy blue blouse and a white lace short skirt. Blue velvet boots and her golden brown hair was let loose.

She was excited about their date. As she smiled radiantly walking out the school. Guys tried their best to win her heart but her selfish giant built a fortress around to keep it safe.

The girls and boys gasped when a Mercedes Benz pulled into school gardens and a stunning god like tall giant stepped out wearing black ripped jeans,white polo shirt with a navy blue jacket.

Baekhyun skipped towards Chanyeol and wrapped her arms around his face,planting a soft kiss on the taller's cheeks.

Girls cried tears of jealously. And boys sighed in defeat. As the godly couple waved goodbye and the couple left in their vehicle.

The brunette tugged at Chanyeol's shirt hem. He didn't respond. So she started caressing his thigh which made the taller stop the car.

"Baby. You better stop it. Or I'll finish you in the car itself. Get it?" Chanyeol said carefully still looking at the road as he started the car.

Baekhyun gulped and took her hand away. Her heart beating erotically and her face flushed red.

Chanyeol's car drove the Brooklyn bridge which set the midget in awe. Her eye's sparkled and a permanent smile plastered upon her face as she gazed outside the window. Chanyeol chuckled looking at her reaction as he continued to drive. They drove until they reached Brooklyn's botanical garden, a Japanese garden.

Baekhyun squealed as they entered the gardens. Chanyeol chuckled as he saw his goddess swirling around sighing in content. She suddenly threw her arms around his neck and almost throttled him. The taller stumbled back a bit trying to catch his balance and wrapped his arms around her body. 

She kissed his cheeks, and slid down grabbing his palms as she ran into the beauty that stretched before her. The foliage of the breath taking sight that her eye's witness, Baekhyun was beyond happy, she felt Chanyeol's arms wrapped around her waist as he kissed her neck soft and gave her a piece of paper. As the giant slowly hid from the dumb girl.

She turned around and found no one. She looked back at the card. 

Follow What I Say , If You Love Me. 

Pick every Red rose on your way..

For it'll lead to ecstasy..

I love you.


Baekhyun pouted as she started following every red rose that was on her way. The view was so beautiful and amazing she kept smiling as she picked roses all her way. Until she saw Kai, dressed in a suit and grinning at her and waving. 

"Here, You are the best friend anyone can ever have. I love you Baekkie boo." The tanned man gave her a bunch of roses and hugged her tight ushering her to move further. She smiled sweetly before waving and moving ahead, after picking up more roses she saw Kyungsoo standing dressed in a red and white floral dress. 

"I might actually not ever treat you well, but Baekhyun, I can never be any more thankful to god for having an amazing best friend like you. I love you idiot." She hugged her, kissing her on the cheek. As she handing her a bunch of roses.

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