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The air between Chanyeol and Baekhyun only grew as time went by, weeks passed as Kai recovered. He was back to being the idiot he once was. But the information Yoora gave was kinda difficult to adjust. She had said,

Kyungsoo has been drugged by Taemin, That's why she had been acting weird to Kai and Ruby. Since she was the manageress he used to drug her coffee. She's been given a banded drug, A drug that makes one forget their memories and make their remembrance frail. A maid inside had given the info. If we have to save her. We have to take Kyungsoo away from Taemin's clutches. He's leaving for Italy tomorrow. So we should be able to bring Kyungsoo. Leave her to me. I'll get her.

Chanyeol and Kai were speechless. But why did Taemin do that? 

"What if that scoundrel touched her?" Kai growled at the thought. 

"Hmm I don't know man." Chanyeol patted his friends back. As he left home, for he didn't want to have an argument with Baekhyun again.

He went home to his wife. The house seemed empty without the kids.

"Where are the kids?" Chanyeol hesitantly asked.

"At Moms. She wanted them to comeover for dinner. They'll be back tomorrow." Baekhyun said not looking at the taller.

"Goddess. Did you read the text I sent?" The taller sneaked next to her.

"Yeollie..I read it. But please don't come any closer." The golden hair walked away. She wore a black sweat shirt and a short.

Chanyeol sighed. His heart breaking at Baekhyun's words.

But he didnt want to fight so he went upstairs. But a soft hand held his.

"Ummm...Yeollie..Can You kiss me?" Baekhyun blushed. The taller smiled and nodded as he cradled her face kissing her gently.

"Goodnight Baby." Chanyeol said pulling away as he walked upstairs.

Baekhyun sighed. She didn't want to be near Chanyeol for she was afraid she might end up telling him everything. It was difficult. But sometimes anger just got into her head and she knew not why.

Yoora had brought Kyungsoo home. They never knew how since she raised her hand indicating no questions.

The poor Satan didn't even remember her best friend. Or even Kai the man her heart loved more than anything.

She had asked Kai who he was,almost giving him a painful stroke. He reached for her face caressing it.

"Kyungie..I am Kai your husband." Kai sniffled his words out.

"So that's why I kept telling your name when he tried to touch me." Kyungsoo started crying as she unconciously hugged Kai.

Baekhyun crashed her face into Chanyeols chest as she cried too.

Kai was guilty for thinking Kyungsok felt them since she hated them.

"You have to stop her from taking her pills at any cost. Try to make her remember you. Taemin wont be back for awhile so that gives you enough time to get Kyungsoo back.

Do not loose this aportunity and send my efforts down the drain." Yoora ordered before leaving.

Chanbaek left the two to reunite. Or that's what they thought. Soo didn't even remember her daughter. Taemin had ruined Kai's beautiful Satan. It was hard for him to see her like this. It hurt a lot.

"I'll kill you Taemin. How dare you?" Kai clenched his teeth in anger as he put his wife to sleep.
When he was about to leave Kyungsoo pulled his hand.

"Stay..I donno why. But I kinda miss this feeling. It makes me cry. Please can you stay.

"Sure baby." The tanned maled smiled as he slid next to the girl. He kissed her forehead as both of them drifted off to sleep.

Ruby had been really mad at Yeolchan for kissing her. But she cared less as she walked down the school hallway only to see a blond girl gabbering away with Yeolchan.

"That moron steals my first kiss. And flirts with some random girl at school. I...Urgghh...Ohh wait..Its time for my revenge mama's boy." Ruby smirked before she called Yeolchan from across the hallway. The pretty boy turned around and smiled at the bronze haired.

Ruby's heart beat erotically fast. And she felt it tighting when she saw him with that girl. But she couldn't finger her feelings. Yet nevertheless she gracefully walked to the tall handsome boy as she wrapped her arms around his slender neck.

"Jin ah. What's wrong?" Yeolchan smiled being Baekhyun's innocent son.

Ruby smirked as she slanted her face,crashing her plump lips onto Yeolchan's soft ones. His eyes went wide as the whole hallway gasped. A few thuds were heard as girls blacked out.

She tugged at his lips smirking in victory. She pulled away.

"You. Yeol. Chan. Will. Not. See. Any. Girl. Besides. Me. Or. Even. Speak. Or. See. One..You do that. And. I. Will. Track you down where ever you hide and KILL YOU.Clear?" She raised her eyebrow as she turned around to leave. When the idiot pulled her back latching their lips once more.

"Your wish is my comand my beautiful gangster." Yeolchan winked at her blush. She stomped her feet as she hit his chest and ranaway.

"Urgghh stulid heart. Stop beating. Why are you beating so loudly. Its disturbing. But it felt great...Yah Ruby..Scratch that...You hate that moron... Urgghh what have I done. A blunder..Gosh my life..." Ruby sat at the roof top mumbling to herself. Oblivious of a handsome boy listening and chuckling at her rare cuteness. Just like her mom.

Her bronze hair. He frown. Her threats, her way of dressing. Her anger everything about her pulled the strings in his heart.

Yet he still choose to stay quiet for he wasn't exactly sure what he was feeling right now.

Hii my lovely people.

So what do you think is wrong with Baek?

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