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Jeongin arrived at the JYP building with a nervous heart. Jeongin is just a 17 year old boy, he has a dream; which is to debut as a singer. To give happiness to the world. He loves trot since childhood. Now, he has a chance. To debut, but first he has to train himself.

"Annyeong, you must be Yang Jeongin." JYP-nim welcomed him as he bowed 90 degrees towards him. Jeongin was nervous even though he had been a trainee for a period of time.

"Please follow me." Jeongin followed the man into a normal room with mirrors around; the practice room. A few boys were there on their phones, leaning against the wall.

"Hello, everyone. The last contestant has arrived, please welcome him." Jeongin saw two boys in front of him.

"My name is Kim Seungmin, call me Seungmin." the boy with the neckpillow around his neck smiled. "My nameu Felix Lee. My Korean isn't that good." the guy wearing a yellow hoodie waved.

"Yang Jeongin, n-nice to meet you." Jeongin stuttered. He wasn't good at making friends. Somehow, he felt accepted there. "I think we are the maknae line, let's talk comfortably." Seungmin nudged him. Jeongin smiled.

Then, JYP-nim led them to a black van.

"You guys are going to meet the others at your dorm, from there, they will take care of you. Good day!" JYP closed the door.

Jeongin was just excited and anxious. He and the maknae line got to know each other on the way.


The door opened revealing a house which looked new. "I'll ring the doorbell." Seungmin volunteered. Jeongin heard voices from inside. Then, the door swung open. There were 6 boys inside.

They looked talented, Jeongin envied their looks. "Come in, guys. Lets introduce ourselves." Jeongin sat down at the couch between the two boys. The other 6 gathered around them. The maknae line looked like cornered sheeps.

"My name is Bang Chan. The leader of the group."

"My name is Kim Woojin, the oldest hyung. Lets get along."

"My name is Minho"
"Seo Changbin, your role model."
"Hwang Hyunjin, soon to be-visual."
"Han Jisung, let's be good friends."

Jeongin introduced himself. He hid his braces. The others noticed his mouth. "Whats wrong, you should tell us." Chan asked. Jeongin wanted to shake his head, but he was scared.

"My teeth, b-braces." Jeongin stuttered. He slowly opened his mouth showing his braces. The trainees smiled. "You look cool." Seungmin reassured him.

Jeongin let out a smile. "I already cooked, let's talk about the show we will be competing in next week." Chan went to the dining room, with the others following him from behind.

Jeongin sat beside Seungmin since it was the only seat left. It was jjajangmyeon, the smell was great. "Thank you for the food." everyone bowed.

Jeongin felt like being in a family, the last time he had dinner with his family was at Busan.

His father was a pedophile.


"Eomma, why are there police at the house?" Jeongin wondered while standing beside his mother outside. Cars were arriving.

"Ma'am, please follow me. I have to ask you questions." a police man asked his mother. "Jeongie, wait here, be obedient," his mother walked away.

Jeongin just followed her secretly. He eavesdrop their conversation.

"Please don't tell my son, in forever. He will be terrified." his mother firmly said. His mother lifted her hair showing her neck. Jeongin eyes were wide.

Bruises? Jeongin felt emotional.

He couldn't take it no more.

He ran towards his mother hugging her tightly with his arms around her waist. Tears started flowing down his cheeks.

"I am sorry for not protecting you mother, myan. Don't leave me, like appa did."


Seungmin snapped his fingers in front of Jeongin. Jeongin flinched. Jeongin let out a smile making the members chuckle.

"I feel happy for the first time." Jeongin thought eating happily. "So, this is just a temporary dorm. We will stay in a new one for the contest." Woojin cheered.

"Seungmin, who do you prefer?" Chan asked Seungmin while munching his food. "Erm, I'll take care of the maknae." Seungmin glanced at Jeongin. Jeongin just faked a smile.

Jeongin wanted to sleep alone, he didn't know how sleeping with a hyung felt.


"I am so tired." Seungmin jumped on his bed. It was a normal room. A desk with a closet, cabinets, and a double decker bed.

"Top or bottom?" Seungmin asked.

"Bottom, I feel more comfortable." Jeongin said. "Arasso, I am bathing first." Seungmin poked him. Jeongin just took a deep breath.

"Eomma, I will debut no matter what. For you."

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