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Ryujin's POV

Ever since that day , I've never talked to anyone in my school unless I have to. By that I mean , if my life would be in danger if I didn't talk to them.

I sat in class with my hand holding onto my head.

" Before I leave , I just want to say that there will be a parent-teacher conference this Friday and I hope to see all of your parents. " The teacher said.

I hope to see my parents too.

" Anyone who's parents are unable to make it ? " No one answered. My parents wouldn't be able to make it to be honest.

" Please say it before I exit this room , if anyone tell me only after I exit this room then you will be punished. " She said.

I timidly raised my hand and everyone turned to look at me as I shyly looked down at my desk.

" What's the reason , Ryujin ? " I looked up.

" They aren't in Korea. " I said shyly , I wasn't proud of the fact that they aren't in Korea since every of my classmate's parents are with them in Korea.

" When will they be back ? " She asked.

I want to know when will they be back too but they never give me an answer.

" I-I don't know. " I said and I heard some people whispering about it and said that my parents abandoned me and doesn't want me anymore and i'm an orphan.

" Is there any way to contact them ? " I shook my head timidly.

" It's because your parents doesn't want you as their child anymore because you disgrace them ! " Someone said and tears were threatening to fall out of my eyes.

They don't want me as their child ?

I'm a disgrace ?

Maybe I am.

I've always been extremely sensitive about the topic family because my family doesn't see me often. I don't even see them on new years.

My class burst out in laughter while my teacher tries to quieten them down but to no avail.

Someone slammed their desk and the class became pin drop silence.

I stood up and stormed out of class. I didn't want to let them see me crying , I've already embarrassed myself enough.

I went to the washroom and took out my phone. I dial my mom's number but it didn't call through so I called my dad's.

" Hello ? " He said as it got called through.

I got my hopes high as I said hello back. I told him about the parents-teacher conference this Friday and he told me they can't make it back this Friday.

" I have to go. " He said without letting me go even have the chance to react , he hanged up.

I looked into the mirror to see the reflection of a loser in uniform.

I went to the rooftop since I want to skip all the lessons today. I want to rebel for once and I don't want to embarrass myself in front of my classmates.

I sat down , leaning against the wall at the rooftop. I hugged my knees while listening to sad songs , maybe crying out would make me feel better.

The bell rang and I looked at the time , which shows that school has ended.

I stood up and was about to walk out of the door when the door opened. I saw Kangmin with my bag pack.

I wanted to snatch my bag from him but he lifted it higher so I couldn't reach it.

" I would only give it to you if you were to spend a day with me. " He said.

I sighed and placed my hands on my waist , I stared at him with a blank face.

" I'm not in the mood for all your jokes right now or any practice for the evaluation. " He looked at me in confusion.

" Who said I'm going to bring you to practice ? " He asked as if it's a matter of fact. Isn't that where he wants to bring me to ? The practice room ?

" I'm going to bring you to places to have fun. " He grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of school.

We sat at the back of the bus where he threw me one side of his earpiece and I plugged it into my ear. The song that was playing was Scream by EXO's D.O.

The lyrics is so sad and it hits me hard like a punch in the face.

I held in my tears , I missed my parents and my sister so much. I want to visit them but I don't think my sister wants to see me.

" We are here. " Kangmin said before dragging me out of the bus and I looked around. I realised he brought me to amusement park.

We entered and there wasn't a lot of people around so the queues were really short.

He brought me to different rides and for a moment , I forgotten about the sad thoughts that I've had.

We entered the haunted house since Halloween is around the corner. I was a scaredy cat as much as I hate to admit it.

" Let's get ou- " He grabbed my hand and pulled me nearer to him.

" It's fine. " He smiled warmly before proceeding on.

Despite all the jump scares and everything but I felt safe when I'm with him. I felt like no one would be able to bully me when i'm with him.

When we got out of the haunted house , he smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

" It isn't that bad , was it ? I'm proud of you. " He smiled and I stared at him blankly. He turned around to look at something and I took the chance to let out a smile.

" Let's go to the roller coaster ! " He said enthusiastically before grabbing my hand. We ran to the roller coaster and we got on the ride.

" I'm scared ! " I screamed as if was going to the peak , he grabbed my hand.

" I'll be here for you. " He said and that's when the roller coaster reaches it's peak and went straight down.

After we are done with the roller coaster and some other rides. We decide to end it off with watching of the parade.

We ran to the side to get the best view of the parade.

" Wow ! It's so pretty ! " I said in awed as my eyes widened when I saw all the beautiful lights that are in front of me.

Kangmin's POV

" Wow ! It's so pretty ! " RyuJin said and I turned to look at her. She was staring at the parade performances in awed.

She seemed fine fascinated by all the bright colours like a child.

I took out my phone secretly and when she wasn't looking , I snapped a picture of her. She looks really amazed in the picture.

" Park Aera , Will you marry me ? "

I heard someone said and we all turned towards the voice of the man that came from the side. It turns out he is proposing to the girl and she accepted him.

Everyone cheered and suddenly there's fireworks.

" How I wished I could be like her and have a happy ending. " RyuJin said with an envious expression on her face.

" I could be your prince and we can have a happily ever after. "

30th Oct 2017

All 3 of my books are updated today :D

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