Kangmin's POV
7 Years passed ...
Seven years has been a hell of a ride and many things happened that could possibly end out relationship but it didn't.
We are 23 this years and things have been good for us lately and we have been really happy these days.
Hana got herself a boyfriend , someone better named Hakmin. His a really good boyfriend to Hana and apparently they decided that maybe an early marriage would be good for both parties.
Today is the day of the wedding and since i'm pretty close to Hakmin too , i'm helping out as the groom mate.
" I'm so nervous ! " Hakmin said and I patted his shoulder to reassure him that the ceremony is going to go well.
Hakmin might seemed really cold but trust me , his a softie and his the softest person you'll ever meet.
He started running on spot and started shaking his limbs around to calm his nervous nerves down because it's not helping him.
I looked over at Hakmin and his currently lying on the ground with his hand on his heart as he looked up at the ceiling.
" My heart is racing so fast and for the first time , it isn't because I saw Hana. " I threw a pillow at his face and we burst into laughter.
" You're being cheesy ! " I said and he ruffled my hair.
" It's time for you little one to get married too. " He said and I stared at him with a no face. He chuckled and smirked.
Hana told her parents about not wanting to marry me anymore so we broke off he arrange marriage. My parents were pretty done with me but they were fine with me dating RyuJin after finding out that she's rich.
I love my parents but they care a lot about business relationships and everything like that.
RyuJin's parents agreed to our relationship and that's how we got to this stage despite many girls chasing me , wanting to get my number.
RyuJin's POV
I held in my tears as I saw Hana in her gown. She looks so gorgeous , even more beautiful than a real life princess.
It have always been my dream to be a real life princess , not really those living in castles but a princess to my husband or boyfriend.
I think that dream have came true.
Kangmin is the bestest boyfriend one can ever ask for. He is the sweetest but yet he jokes around which made things less tense.
His pretty darn loyal as well , despite having girls swooning over him he is still really loyal to me.
We are 23 now and i'm working as vocal teacher now while he is a choreographer in a pretty well known dance academy in Korea.
He choreograph songs for many popular idols that are in the industry now and those songs are going insane.
His popularity increased after getting recognition and girls are dying to join the dance academy just to see him but sorry to spoil their little dream , but his taken.
And i'm a vocal teacher at an entertainment in Korea. I pretty much train trainees and I teaches them techniques and skills.
Being a trainer isn't easy , neither is being a trainee. However , seeing the trainees that I've trained debut , made me felt as if all my hard work has paid off.
" Ryujin-ah , it's time for Kangmin to propose to you too ! " Hana said and I blushed. I smacked her gently , I didn't want to hurt the bride.
" You're making me shy ~ " I said and we burst into laughter as usual. After that day at the hospital , Hana and I became closer.
We started chatting more and hanging out more often too. Her husband-to-be is actually my cousin who is looking for a girlfriend.
Little did I know , letting them meet is the best way to help them find their lost partner for their lost heart.
" What will you do if he really did propose ? " Hana asked me and I thought for a moment. If he did really propose , what and how would my reaction be ?
" Probably say yes. " I said and she sneered.
" That's so cliché ! " She said and I rolled my eyes at her while she thought for a moment.
" I actually knew that Hakmin is going to propose to me soon so I prepared how I am going to act. " She smiled proudly.
" You really do need help. " I said and she laughed.
" How did you react though ? " I asked and she smiled as she gladly told me about how she reacted when Hakmin proposed.
" I stood at the corner while he brought a balloon and hand it over to me. I started hugging him and showing that I did appreciate it. I practically just pretend that I don't know about it. " She said.
" Wow , a whole chunk of words that are basically saying that all you did was pretend but you don't know how. " I said and she nodded.
" Just go with the flow ! " She said.
We decided to move over to the wedding venue and that's when I decide to stay with Hana for the time being.
When it's time for her to walk down the aisle , I smiled and her dad held her hand as she walked down the aisle to Hakmin gracefully.
After their little speech , Kangmin suddenly reached for the microphone and he held a piece of paper in his hand as he smiled at me.
Could it be .. a proposal ?
" I have an announcement to make. " Kangmin said and everyone gave him their full attention.
" It's an announcement that my heart has been dying to say but it finally have the courage today. " He smiled and walked towards me.
" Song RyuJin , life isn't easy for both of us as we fought through many obstacles in life. People didn't know we could last this long and you practically skipped monthly evaluation because of your stay in the hospital. " He said as he chuckled.
" Remember how I told you that I would make you fall in love with me by the start of monthly evaluation ? I think I succeeded. " He said.
" But at the same time , I lost because you made me fell in love with you. " He said as he caress my face gently.
" I promise to love you from the moon and back , I promise to be with you regardless of what happen and I promise to be your best friend because you are mine. " He kneeled down and pulled out a ring.
" Will you marry me , Song Ryujin ? "
8th Nov 2017
The ending is in the hands of the reader ;)
End of this book and to be honest , I was so busy with my other fanfics that I literally can't think of how to continue this.
In chinese , eight is a good number so let's end this at chapter 8 :D
i'm going to be shameless and say please Check out my Minho's Fanfic that I just published , along with Felix's and Chanyeol's :)
Thank you for reading and it has reached 1K too so thank you !!

exception | kim kangmin
FanfictionFirst TRCNG Kangmin's Fanfic :3 Kangmin is known to be the popular kid in school , for his good looks and talent. Everyone seemed to like Kangmin , with an exception of RyuJin. Kangmin chose Ryujin to be his partner for the monthly evaluation and...