Chapter 12 - The Things I Can't Have

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Michael clambered down from David's arms and ran towards me as I sprang to my feet, smoothing my dress as I did so. David glared at me as Erik slowly got up from the couch and followed me to the door.

Between the two of us, Erik was more composed than I was. But though we hadn't done anything wrong, I felt like I had. My face was flushed, and I could feel myself trembling.

From behind me, Erik held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Erik. You must be David," he said, as David brought Michael down and shook Erik's hand.

"Yes, David...David Dean," he said, glaring at Erik, then at me as I gathered a sleepy Michael in my arms. "I'm Sam's ex-husband. Who the hell are you?"

"Is everything alright?" I asked, finally finding my voice and hoping David couldn't tell that I was shaking. "I thought you were going to drop Michael off tomorrow morning at eight. It's midnight, David."

"I've been trying to call you for the last two hours, Sam," David said, annoyed. "There's been a change of plans, and I need to leave tonight. Are you purposely ignoring my calls?"

"Of course not," I said, looking around me for my phone before realizing that I'd left it along with my wallet at the studio. It was in the waistband carry-all that I wore whenever I ran. I remembered seeing it on the bathroom counter just before I left the studio for dinner for I had every intention of going back there to retrieve it.

Erik turned to look at me. "You must have left it at the stu-?"

"I left it at Olivia's house," I said quickly, hoping Erik would not mention anything having to the studio or the fact that I was painting again. "Bella was playing with it and I forgot take it from her. Remember how she was playing with that candy game, Erik?"

Erik nodded. I could see the look of disappointment on his face - and whether he was disappointed at me or at himself for acquiescing with my lie I didn't know. I was too scared at that moment to do or think of anything else. "That's right. Bella did have it last, before Olivia put her to bed."

"Who's Bella? And who the fuck is Olivia?" David asked, his brow furrowing as he kept glaring at Erik and I. "What the hell is going on? How come I've never heard about you before?"

"I babysit Olivia's daughter, Bella, during the weekends. Erik's her brother," I replied. "He dropped me off just now and he...he was just leaving."

Erik glanced at me, his eyes narrowing. Then as if recognizing my look of distress, he nodded and turned to look at David. "Sam watches my niece during the weekends."

"Sure she does," David scoffed. "I never realized Sam was into babysitting. She can hardly keep up with her own son as it is.

"She does quite well actually," Erik said, his voice hardening. "Anyway, like Sam said. I was just leaving. It was nice to meet you, David."

As a group of people walked past the house, talking loudly among themselves, I looked outside the window. David's car was parked outside and though it was dark, I could see a blonde woman leaning against the passenger door. She was looking down at her phone, the display illuminating her face. She wore a low cut top that accentuated her cleavage and tight jeans. She must have been in her late twenties, I thought.

Michael had gone back to sleep, his chin resting on my shoulder. As both men did some small talk, David asking Erik what he did for a living ("I'm a doctor.") and Erik doing the same ("I'm Sam's ex-husband," as if being my ex-husband was an occupation), I walked into Michael's room and tucked him into bed before returning to the living room. Erik had just stepped out the front door, but stopped to look at me.

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