Part 3

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Star's POV

Classes ended fast today. I don't even remember what we talked about. I had my down most of the day. Now I'm just ready to go home and curl up in my bed. I start walking home. It's starting to get cold, I'll have to start wearing warmer clothes. I just get off the school grounds when a hand grabs my left shoulder from behind. I quickly pull out my wand and spin around knocking the hand off me. I'm really not in the mood today, I'm ready to blast them away. I finish my turn with my wand pointed at Marco. He was just standing there with his mouth open holding the hand i had hit off of me. I could see concern in his eyes. "Oh Marco I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you."
"That's okay Star i just thought I'd walk home with you."

Is he not hanging out wiyh Jackie? Why? "Oh yeah sure thing best buddy; I just thought you'd be with Jackie."
"She's got somethings she has to do today, so i thought we could do something." Marco said with an unsure look.
Oh Marco, I feel like i could cry with joy. Now I can't help but smile. "Really, yeah that'd be great, it's been so long."
"Yeah I guess it has been a while." Marco said as he ruffles his hair. "Well,we can do whatever you want Star, just say the word."
"Are you sure Marco? We can do anything I want?"
"Yeah, why not."
"Well then lets not waste anymore time hear!" I took Marco by the hand and we started to run home.

Marco's POV

I think i might die. We're almost to the house, but we've been running for so long. "Hey Star can we slow down?"
"There's no time to slow down now Marco!"
"S-star please." I could barely get the words out. Star slowed down in front of me never letting go of my hand. We come to a stop a few houses down from ours. "Sorry Star, I just need a chance to catch my breath"
"Sorry Marco."
She's so excited; has it really been that long since we've hung out? Thinking back I guess it has been quite a while. Star looks kinda disappointed that we stopped. I hate to see her like that. I take a deep breath, and then with Star still holdimg my hand."Okay we can run again." and I run ahead of her. She looks happy again and it makes my chest flutter. Whenever I see Star smile I just start smiling weather I want to or not.

We arrive at our doorstep. I bend over with my hands on my knees and breathing hard, trying to catch my breath. Star seems unfazedby all the running. How can she have so much greater stamina than me? "Hey Star are you not feelimg the burn or anything?"
"Haha Marco, over that light running no way."
I can't help but let out a sigh but it comes out like more labored breathing. "Lets just go inside Star."
Star reaches to open the door when right before she reaches the knob the door opens and my parents are on the other side with packed bags.


Hey again, I kinda think these are to short. Let me know if they should be longer and ill try to make them longer. Thank you for reading this far I'm gonna try and make the next couple of chapters interesting 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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