Chapter 9 - Amusement Park

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Taehyung's POV - 2:52 PM

I saw a piece of lettuce on Jiyeon's lip so I came closer and saw Jiyeon was so cute when she was surprised. I came more closer and quickly picked up a tissue and wiped it off so no one could see. But I was wrong , Minji. Minji gave me a death glare when I was talking to Jimin hyung. I got an amazing idea.

Taehyung : let's go to the amusement park!!
Jiyeon : that sounds fun!
Yuri : does everyone agree?
J-Hope : yeah!
Yuri : everyone will meet here back at 3 , ok?!
Jungha : yes mam!

She joked.

Jiyeon : hana , dul , set!

Everyone ran off. But I grabbed Jiyeon's wrist before she could leave.

Jiyeon : what's wrong oppa?
Taehyung : nothing , but can dress the same? it's ok if you say no-
Jiyeon : sure I would love to!

She smiled.

Taehyung : ok come with me.


I waited for her , for a couple of minutes. When she opened the door....

She looks so adorable in that large t-shirt

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She looks so adorable in that large t-shirt.

Taehyung : are you sure you want to wear that? if you don't want to , you don't have to.
Jiyeon : Kim Taehyung! I told you insist. so I insist ok!

She said as a soldier.

Taehyung : yes mam!!

I saluted. She laughed.

Jiyeon : kaja!

She grabbed me hand and dragged me to the beach. When we reached there.

Minji : your 37 seconds late!
Lena : your wearing match couple outfits!
Jungha & J-Hope : OMG!!!!!
Jin : wow , I didn't know you'd ever plan that!
Yuri : anyway don't disturb them , they're a cute couple!
Minji : huh....lets get going!

Trying to avoid the fact we're cute. When we arrived at the amusement park , we all went in a roller coaster together. I was enjoying it because Jiyeon was hugging my arm all through the ride! I was freaking out , she was too cute! But I had to play it cool. After the ride , we were in groups and we had to meet everyone at the entrance at 8. Our group was RapMon hyung , Minji (of course) , Jungkook , Jungha , J-Hope hyung , me and Jiyeon. And the others in another group.

Our group decided to play the Crane Machine. Me , Jungkook and J-Hope played to win. We tried our very best to win the cute rilakkuma for the girls.

 We tried our very best to win the cute rilakkuma for the girls

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Jungkook was first , second was J-Hope and I was last. I gave it to Jiyeon and smiled at her.

Jiyeon : me?
Taehyung : yeah.
Jiyeon : gomawo oppa!

She hugged it. So cute.....

After we went in the haunted house , the girls didn't want to go but we said that we'll take care of them.

We went inside , we walked slowly while Jiyeon was hugging me like a baby. Suddnely a wolf jump scared us. We all screamed and ran. We were in a green room where a table was with white cloth. We walked near to the wall because we knew they was someone under the table. A woman in white came out and screamed so loud that my eardrums were banging , we all ran. After some terrifying scares we were out. But I was only with Jiyeon.

Taehyung : I guess we lost the others.
Jiyeon : I guess so. hey oppa , lets go to the ferries wheel!

She pointed with a huge smile.

Taehyung : alright jagi.

6:59 PM

We were on the Ferris Wheel. We laughed and talked about our auditions. We hardly knew we were already at the top. I was talking but when I felt something touching my shoulder. I turned at saw sleeping Jiyeon , so cute. I laughed a little. I went closer and closer until I felt her warm soft lips on mine. I quickly let go because I just realized what I did. I slapped myself a few times. Her lips taste like berries! yummy! Taehyung shut up! I slapped myself. I realized we had to go off so I tried to wake up her but she didn't wake up so I had to carry her on my back and go to the entrance because it's 7:50 PM. In the middle she finally woke up.

Jiyeon : ahhhh , oppa? where are we going?
Taehyung : you finally woke up! we're going back to the entrance remember?
Jiyeon : oh yeah!

We already saw them waiting for us.

Minji : again--
Taehyung : ok ok Minji.
Minji : just next time.

I put her down.

Jungha : we have to go now bye!
NF : bye!!

We waved.

BTS : bye!!

He waved.

We all went inside our vans and drove to our own dorms

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