Chapter 20 - Got7 Dorms

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Jiyeon and I hugged each other in the couch for....I think 2 hours...we talked and talked , until...

Jiyeon : yeobo lets go visit Got7!

She suddenly jumped out of my embrace.

Taehyung : oh sure..

I said as I got Jiyeon's coat and gave it to her. As soon as she put it on , I put my hand on her shoulder and smile.

Taehyung : ready babe...

I looked down to see Jiyeon while she looked up to me like a cute small puppy. She nodded. Then , we headed off to Got7's Dorm. We reached our destination and knocked the door.

Jiyeon : oppa!

She hugged JB as he opened the door.

JB : hey Ji!

He patted her head. I'm gonna honest and say I was a teatsy bit jealous.

JB : hey Tae!

He gave me a hand shake.

JB : come on in.....
Jiyeon : thanks.

We went in and saw the Got7 members and Jungkook in the living room talking and laughing together.

Got7 : hey guys.

They waved.

Jungkook : I thought you guys wouldn't come.
Jiyeon : just a change of plans.

She smiled.

We sat down and talked a bit more with the members

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We sat down and talked a bit more with the members.

Jackson : is anyone hungry?

Everyone put their hands up in agreement.

Jiyeon : I'll make something!

She said standing up.

Taehyung : I'll help!

I held her hand as I stood up.

JB : sure you guys don't need anymore help?

He asked as he raised an eyebrow. Jiyeon and I nodded together as a yes.

Jiyeon : see you in a few minutes.

She waved and left for the kitchen and then I followed her.

Jiyeon : yeobo , lets make tteokbokki!

She smiled.

Taehyung : let's get started babe.

I put an apron on her while she was still facing me. I did a not on the back to secure it won't undo. I go back to face Jiyeon and cupped her face. She smiled.

Jiyeon : yeobo , we have to make food now , so let's get started.

I nodded and we both started.

After a few minutes we actually finished making teeokbokki and it tasted amazing. We gave it to the boys.

Got7 : woowwwww......

They said in unison

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They said in unison. We finished it and headed off.

Jiyeon : thanks a lot Got7 oppa's and dongsengs.

She smiled brightly.

Yugyeom : oh its no problem noona.

He reassured her.

Taehyung : thanks , we'll be leaving now.

We bowed.

Jungkook : Yugyeom , make sure to call me for bowling!

He said as we left.

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