Chapter 12 - Cover Live

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6:40 PM

It is finally the day we're going to do the song live. We had lots of practice so I know we're gonna do great!

Backstage Taehyung was nervous.

Taehyung : what if I mess up!?

He said talking to himself. I laughed at his cuteness.

Jiyeon : don't worry oppa! it'll be fine! plus this is not your first show live.
Taehyung : your right! oh no I'll make a mistake!

I cupped his cheeks.

Jiyeon : it'll be ok oppa! think of the post hung not negative ok.

I could feel him blushing.

Taehyung : o-ok jagi.
Jiyeon : that's my oppa!

I smiled at him and he smiled back , with his rectangular smile. So cute.

It was finally our turn after Suzy unnie's and Baekhyun oppa's collab together.

Baekhyun : good luck JiJi.

He winked and hugged me.

Jiyeon : unnie!

She looked and ran to me.

Suzy : JiJi , good luck I wish you all the best. fighting!
Jiyeon : gomawo unnie!

I smiled.

Jiyeon : your collab with oppa was awesome! I loved it!
Suzy : gomawo dongsang!

She said as she pinched my nose and she left.

I know Baekhyun oppa and Suzy unnie because we used to live in the same apartment in my pre debut years and they helped me a lot. And I'm really thankful.

Anyway we went on stage and finished our song. After , Jungkook and Minji did there as well.

After we were all panting and sweating a lot.

Jiyeon : well done unnie!

I ran and hugged her , when she was walking to the curtain backstage - where we were.

Minji : thanks well done as well!

She hugged me back. Then she shot a glare at Taehyung. He looked away.

Taehyung : thanks well done as well...

He said sarcastically and trying to avoid eye contact with Minji.

Jungkook : noona!

He said while trying to catch up with me.

Jiyeon : yeah.

I turned around.

Jungkook : lets have Korean BBQ!

He said while jumping.

Taehyung : let us come as well!

He complained as he put his arm around my shoulders.

Minji : yeah , let us come!

She scold him as she hit Taehyung's fingers , that made him flinch and put his arm back.

Jungkook : ughhhh fine noona!

He finally gave up after unnie and him complained together for 15 minutes. We went in our van , the kind security oppa drove us to the nearest one. I sat next to unnie while the other two sat on the back.

Taehyung : this is not fair! why do I have to sit with this kid and not my wife!

He said while crossing his arms.

Minji : it is totally fair cause we're girls and we can sit together.

She snapped.

Jungkook : yeah that's not fair , I want to sit next to noona but Minji noona won't let me.
Taehyung : (pretends to cough) you mean us!

He shouted but quietly so that people that surrounded him could only hear. I'm sure the fought and complained while talking........or should I say shouting.....over each other. We got there quite fast , I'm sure the security oppa was annoyed as well. But it was cute that Taehyung oppa was fighting for the seat next to me. Suddenly....

Taehyung : i call dibs on sitting next to Jiyeon on the way back!

He shouted so loud that I was shocked and I was sure I looked like a tomato right now.

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