I read a one shot book a long time ago, and there was an one shot where basically, all the people were colour blind. They didn't see ANY colours, untill they met their lover.
I absolutely LOVED that one shot (I can't remember from which book it was tho :/) so I thought I could write it :)
A little trigger warning tho: attempting suicide
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3rd person's POV:
It was a beautiful rainy spring day, because hey, why would there always be sunshine, if the rain is pretty too?
Adam was alone, in his small apartment, looking through the kitchen window down onto the streets with a cup of coffee in his hands. Everyone was happy, walking around, holding hands, hugging, kissing, or cuddling their soulmates.
As for Adam, he never found one. He wished he could do all those things with someone, he wished for a soulmate, he didn't care; boy, girl, any gender was ok for him; he wished for love.
The problem is tho, he was getting old and he lost all the hope of ever finding his soulmate. So here he was, in his small, messy apartment, looking through the small kitchen window, watching everyone being happy.
That's when he compleately lost hope. He put the now empty mug in the sink, put on a dark hoodie and a even darker jacket (A/N: I'm saying dark because he has never seen colours before, so all he sees is gray, but some stuff are darker and some are lighter). He put on his shoes and took his keys, walking out of the place he calls home and locking the door behind him. He then pulled the hood over his head and left the building.
He walked down the street, getting stared at by other people, but he didn't care. He walked and walked, untill he came to the edge of a forest and took a quite familiar path into the woods.
After a while, he came to the place where he needed to be. The train rails. He cheched the time, hoping he wasn't late, and leting out a sigh of relieve when he wasn't. He was actually a bit early. So he went over and steped onto the rails, waiting for the train.
And so he waited...
And waited...
And waited...
Untill he heard it.
The train.
He quickly turned around to face the train, which was actually still quite far and prepeared himself for what he's gonna do now. As the train was getting closer, he got more and more calm. He calmed down, knowing that no one will ever judge him again. The train got closer every second and he started remembering the best moments of his life. He was trapped in his own little bubble, he was so numb he didn't hear someone running and yelling at him to get off the rails. He didn't hear the person scream. He didn't hear the person run next to him. He didn't see them either. But he did feel. And he felt the person shove him away, the last moment before he would get hit. He felt himself hitting the ground. He slowly opened his eyes, to see that he's laying on the ground, on the side of the train tracks.
Adam felt someone shaking him. And so he looked up at the person.
And he didn't see only grey anymore. He saw colours.
He saw how beautiful the green trees around him are, and all the pretty rainbow-like flowers around him, and how amazing the blue sky above him looks.
He looked around in awe. "Are you okay" the stranger asked him. Adam looked at the unknown man and nodded "y-yeah, I'm ok.." he answered and kept looking around. He sat up, and the stranger offered a hand to help him up. "I'm Brad" the stranger said. "I'm Adam" he smiled.
"Why are you looking around so much?" Brad asked him. Adam turned to face him "don't you see it?" "see what?" Brad asked. Adam frowned and answered "the colours!"
Brad shook his head "no, I don-" he went pale... This isn't a good sign Adam thought. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Y-you're seeing colours.. That means I'm your soulmate..." Brad answered, and Adam's face lit up. This was the happiest moment of his life, he found his soulmate right when he was about to give up. "But the problem is.... I can't be your soulmate..." Brad said.
Adam's heart broke into billion pieces. Why? He thought, why is he doing this to me?
He teared up "b-but why..?"
"Because I already have a soulmate."
And with that, Brad left.
Welp, I forgot I had this to write...
Here you go now, a (REALLY SHORT, I'M SORRY FML) update.
I hope you liked it
And I hope you didn't cry
~bye-bye 👻