Morse code

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Shush I know I do bad dreams and cuddles a lot I just like them. They're my aesthetic gdjdjdhd SHUT UP DJDJD

And also this is an AU where Eddie and Richie are neighbors

And sorry for spelling mistakes and shit. I never go over these twice.

Eddie zapped awake breathing heavily. He had no idea what he was dreaming about, but it was terrifying. Tears threatened to fall as he looked up at his ceiling. Unable to prevent himself the tears flowed smoothly down his face, each one burning his cheek as it went down. He covered his mouth with his hand in order to stop from crying out. A little whine escaped his mouth as the tears slid down faster. Each tear grew hotter and hotter until his entire face burned so bad that he felt like his face was going to melt off.

He looked out his window and saw that it was a chilly night. Frost was building up at his window. He sat up in bed looking at his clock on his nightstand. It was 12:32. He had about 6 hours until he had to get up for school. He laid back down now, the tears stopping slightly. And shifted to his side facing the window. For a while, he just stared at the scenery outside. He watched the clouds move and the stars shine. He observed how the plant outside his window had dew on it already, and the flower that he planted had started growing. He looked into his best friend's room, and noticed that Richie seemed to be shifting in his bed, trying to go to sleep.

To test his theory that his neighbor was awake, he picked up his flashlight and opened his window. A harsh cold wind slapped him in the face, so hard so that he almost shut his window. Not wanting to shout at Richie to get his attention, he flickered his flashlight on and off talking in Morse code. Richie and Eddie learned Morse code together and started using it often when they didn't want people to overhear the conversation they were having. They found out they could use flashlights to talk using Morse code, so that's how they communicated from house to house.

(Okay I'm gonna put the translations but I'm too lazy to write "He turned his flashlight on once and then paused" yadda yadda. I still want to write in Morse code so I'm gonna do the actual written language)

.... . _.__ _.._. ._. .. _._. .... _.._. _.__ ___ .._ _.._.  ._ .__ ._ _._ . ..__..
(Translation: "Hey Rich you awake?")

Eddie waited as he saw shuffling and something grab a flashlight and respond.

_.__ . ._ .... __..__ _.._. __ __ .._ _.._. ___ _._ ._ _.__ ..__..
(Translation: "Yeah, you okay?")

.. __ _.._. ... _._. ._ ._. . .._ ._._._  _._. ._ _. _.._. .. _.._. _._. ___ __ . _.._. ___ ..._ . ._. ..__..
(Translation: "I'm scared. Can I come over?")

... .._ ._. . _.._. . .._ ... ._._._
(Translation: "Sure Eds")

Eddie felt relief flood over him as he grabbed the jacket he borrowed from Richie and stealthily left the house. If Eddie's mom found out that he was sneaking off, she would have him grounded for a year and he would never be able to see Richie again. That scared Eddie to his core because Eddie had developed some not-so platonic feelings for Richie, and not being able to see Richie again would hurt him worse than being killed.

Eddie carefully opened the front door of his house. It squeaked and Eddie cringed really hard, expecting his mother to come storming down the stairs with her face flushed a deep red. When she didn't, he allowed himself to breathe normally. He slipped out of the house and locked the door. Then, he walked over to Richie's and tried the doorknob. It was open. Reluctantly, he stepped inside. He looked around the dark living room of Richie's house and found himself terrified again. What if the leper was going to kill him? What if he was locked in a terrible nightmare that he was forced to relive? What if-

But his thoughts were interrupted by a cold hand on his shoulder. Eddie squealed and turned around only to find it was Richie.

"Woah Eds, you're really on edge. Sorry I thought by scaring you a little it would lighten you up."

Eddie looked at him with frustration and then burst into tears.

"Ah shit Eddie don't cry please. Eddie don't cry."

But it was too late. The tears were already fully in motion. All Richie could think to do was to hug Eddie as tightly as he could. He wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's midsection and brought him close to his chest. Eddie hugged back and he sobbed and sobbed until Richie's shirt was soaking wet. Richie didn't mind though. He loved Eddie dearly and couldn't stand to see him upset like this. It made his heart ache. He also developed some not-so platonic feelings for Eddie, although the lot of them were too naive to notice each others giant crush.

Once Eddie's giant sobbing turned into little sniffles and occasional whimpering, Richie whispered in his ear.

"Are you done Eds? Do you want me to carry you upstairs?"

Eddie nodded with his face still buried in Richie's chest. Richie picked him up bridal style and Eddie threw his arms around Richie's neck and hid his face in his chest once more. He carefully, but quickly, carried Eddie up to his room and set him down on his bed.

"You don't mind that I change here do you? I mean, my shirt's soaking wet."

Richie let out a small chuckle and Eddie only looked down and whispered "Yeah. Sorry."

Richie grabbed another pj shirt and started putting it on. "What are you sorry about love? It's okay to cry."

Eddie's heart leapt in his chest at the nickname. He just looked away instead of continuing the subject. Once Richie was done he said "I brought your jacket. I thought you'd want it back."

He held the jacket up and Richie giggled.
"Keep it Eds. I don't really care about it."

Eddie's eyes shined bright and he had to stop himself from squealing in excitement.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, why were you so scared? Nightmare?"

Eddie held the jacket close to his face and and whispered "I had a nightmare so I had a panic attack and I couldn't calm myself down. I saw you were shifting in your bed and I thought you could help."

Eddie blushed. Richie grabbed Eddie by the shoulders and kissed him, softly at first, and then Eddie shoved their faces even closer together as it became more heated. Richie stopped and looked at Eddie intently.

"Eds, don't ever feel embarrassed to come over here. The truth is, I really care about you, and I think I love you. I want you to feel safe and happy. I care about you so much."

"I-I love you too."

Richie kissed Eddie again and he laid down and got under the covers. He instructed Eddie to do the same. Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie's chest and buried his face in the crook of Richie's neck. Their legs intertwined and Richie laid his head on top of Eddie's.

"I love you so, so much Eds. Don't you ever forget that. Goodnight bubba."

"I love you more."

And with that both boys fell asleep, deeply enjoying the warmth of each other and the love that surrounded them.


Okay so I know this is a lot like my first chapter but I just started learning Morse code so I got an idea lmao. For the Morse code part, sorry if I got anything wrong. It's late, I'm tired, and I haven't had much experience writing Morse code. Well here is your fluff after the last emo chapter. I feel way better now. Anywho we are almost at 100 reads! Thank you guys so much! I couldn't do it without you! Happy Halloween Eve (for me anyway)! I love all of you guys so much! ❤️❤️

Until next time ;)) 🌱🌱

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