GerIta Part One: Happy Valentines (F/N)

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It was already four in the afternoon. Busy cleaning as well as cooking a special dinner for this evening, Considering today was the biggest holiday celebrated everywhere. Valentine's day. Feliciano hummed and tasted the sauce before adding a little bit more, he would occasionally check from his spot in the kitchen to the large playpen that was housing the crawler and soo to be walker any day, (f/n). He would catch her watching him as he smiled at her and spoke to her from afar. 

"Ve~ (f/n) are you-a watching papa cook!?" 

The little baby girl gave a gummy smile while letting out a high pitched giggle and squak, in response. As he heard the oven go off, Feliciano quickly turned around to pull some fresh garlic bread out of the oven. He was now rushing against time since he contacted his husband earlier who was currently at work, only to find out he would have less than two hours to prepare and get ready for the special night. 

Each time he looked up at the clock, it was almost as if time would skip twenty minutes each. Stretching he sighed and looked over to see that, the gate door to the playpen area was open, and there was no (f/n) to be seen. His heart stopped as he quickly stepped away and moved closer towards it. There was a cooeing sound which made him jump and accidentally knock (f/n) onto her side from trying to avoid stepping on her. He caught himself from almost falling over but (f/n) was in emotional distraught from hitting the floor a little too hard. 

Feliciano went into a full-on parental mode and scooped her up, frantically apologizing in Italian while rubbing her head and back. He pulled her back a little and tried to check to see if she had any major bumps, but of course, she still cried even more. To no avail, Feliciano grew more and more confused, now that the baby would not cease crying and growing louder by screaming in the mix.

"Ve!? N-No please don't-a cry...don't-a cry..." he spoke starting to tear up himself. 

There was some clicking of locks and clinking of keys before the door closed, Ludwig slipped off his shoes and sniffed around before he realized he would hear crying coming from the other room, now speed walking towards the kitchen where the noise was, he stopped abruptly and gaped at the sight before him. Sitting on the floor holding a screaming and fussy baby while crying himself, Feliciano slowly looked up, as did the baby as both cried even more.

"L-Luddy!" Feliciano cried out, (f/n) adding a scream to her sobs.

Ludwig gave a concerned look and knelt down towards the two, " Vhat's wrong? vhy are jou both crying?"

Feliciano handed the baby over to Ludwig who held her close to his chest and patted her bottom gently while kissing her forehead, Feli gained some composure and rubbed his eyes as he answered, " I-a almost tripped on-a (f/n), she escaped her-a playpen....I couldn't get her to-a stop..."

Ludwig heaved a heavy sigh and pulled Feli close towards him with one arm and kissed his forehead, "I'm glad I came home vhen I did. Are jou feeling better Feli?" 

Feliciano sniffled but nodded and smiled a little, noticing that (f/n) was now silent and held onto Ludwig he couldn't help but sigh in relief. The two proceeded to have their dinner as planned as a family and later that night, both the fathers would have their own special valentines. After the cleanup, Feli was already feeding (f/n) and walked to her separate bedroom that had a baby monitor in it, laying her down and tucking her in with her favorite stuffed duck named Mallard. Feli smiled and gently patted her tummy once and whispered, " Ti Amo, (f/n)." 

As soon as he exited her room, he walked towards the master bedroom where Ludwig was already stripping off his work suit, His blonde hair that was combed back was messed up on purpose, this was truly one of the may turn-ons that Feliciano absolutely loved about his lover. Slowly walking towards him he hugged him from behind and kissed his bare back gently making Ludwig blush a little but smile. One thing led to another and the two men were already making passionate love, their heated sexual moments made them feel as if they were the only ones there. What they didn't plan was almost making it climax when a rather subtle, but loud outcry blasted out of the baby monitor.

Ludwig stopped instantly making Feliciano groan and sigh in devastation. The two looked at one another before Ludwig groaned, " One of us should go und check on her."

Feliciano whined and wrapped his legs tightly around Ludwig, " But Luddy, we are-a both so-a close! Can't she-a wait a minute!?"

Ludwig stared down at him, While it was a decent argument, she could need help...or a diaper change...there was just too many things that could be happening. He shook his head and went to get up only to be pushed down by Feliciano. Ludwig frowned slightly, " Feliciano I-" He watched the Italian grab the baby monitor and press a button to speak into it slightly as if it were like a walkie-talkie and hummed out, " Bambina (f/n) could you-a give us two-a minutes....then I-a promise you can-a sleep with us the rest of the-a night, si?" 

Ludwig raised an eyebrow and sighed, " Feliciano, she can't hear us! Just get off so I can-"

"Do you-a hear that?" asked Feliciano.

Ludwig raised an eyebrow and paused before he realized, she stopped crying. He was taken back from how sudden and strange it was, only to have his thoughts thrown haywire when Feliciano continued moving. Both luckily getting their equal climax which relaxed their bodies. Feli climbed off and stretched, " I'll-a be right-a back. Uno Momento Luddy."

Ludwig blushed a little but quickly cleaned himself up a little and pulled on his boxers and pajama pants, when he heard the door click open, Feli was holding (f/n) who was cooeing and leaning against him. Ludwig stared at her and held her while Feliciano pulled on some underwear, sighing as he kissed her forehead. " Jou are very mysterious...but danke. You helped Vati."

( Haha, my take on an interesting GerIta? I promise to work harder as they "progress" Ahem, comment or vote and await for your next surprised ship.)

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