DenNor Part One: Wrapped Around Your Finger

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It was July, deemed to be the middle of summer, as well as the families, get together. Mathias pulled on his swim trunks and scooped up baby (f/n), ready to walk out of their beach house only to be grabbed by Lukas who narrowed his eyes.

" I don't care if you want to have skin cancer. But I refuse to have (f/n) burn her baby skin," he explained.

(f/n) cooed out, "Ba-ppa! Ba-ppa!"  

Lukas, who only smiled at his lover, his brother, and his baby, Smiled and nuzzled the baby girl and started to rub sunscreen on her chest and arms. 

"Let's make sure you're covered all over okay (f/n)?" he smiled while playfully tickling her tummy and thighs. 

The baby giggled loudly making it so cute that Mathias couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, he casually jabbed his thumb at his back, " When you're done with (f/n) can you get my back dear?" 

Lukas raised his head and stared at him before he smirked and shook his head. "Sure...honey."

After getting slathered in sunscreen, the small trio family walked out of the house and onto the beach, there setting up a small fire to roast some delicious fish and meets were Berwald, Tino, and their small family. The two little boys were playing with Emil who was wearing an oversized t-shirt to protect his pasty white complexion from the suns rays. All three laughed as they chased each other to the water line.

(f/n) was placed down and was now walking as fast as she could without falling over. Still wearing her sandals, her one-piece swimsuit had slits on the side but the design printed on the front was a three-tier ice cream cone. She had her (h/c) hair up in pigtails, regardless if they were a bit short, giggling and calling out loudly. 

"Emi! Emi!" she called out to her youngest uncle.

Tino smiled at the adorable little girl who had some baby chub on her, "Oh my goodness! she gets cuter every time I see her!"

Erland, who was holding onto Tino's leg piped up with some mild jealousy in his voice, " Isa! Isa was I a cute baby too!?" 

Tino looked down and smiled while messing with his hair, "Yes, you were very cute. And so was Peter too."

Emil jogged over and picked up (f/n), spinning her around playfully while Peter and Erland ran over happily, Hugging her and taking her to play in the shallow end. Berwald handed a beer to Mathias.

"So how's the baby been treating you?" 

Tino looked to Lukas, " She's almost a year old isn't she?"

Lukas and Mathias looked to each other before Mathias nodded, " She's doing good. The doctor said she is developing at a good rate and she can't help but run around. it's almost exhausting sometimes while we try to keep up with her."

Tino and Berwald glance at one another before smiling. Tino nodded, " It gets like that. And will probably get worse as they get older."

As the parents talked amongst themselves, Peter rushed up to the adults and panted from running so fast, his face lit up with excitement. " Can we have a boat race! pretty please! Please!"

Erland's eyes brightened as he ran up to them as well. " Yah! please, Pappa! It would be fun!"

Tino and Berwald look to one another before Berwald nods, "Ja, I guess it is alright. We did bring some canoes."

Emil walked up to them, now holding (f/n) on his hip he shrugged, " Should we have the parents race? I heard that Berwald and Mathias get particularly competitive." Emil jeered.

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