He's not you.

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I am Copeland Quinn, and I am now 17 years old.

Dad, there's an emergency.

It's mom..

She's with another man...

I don't know what to do, she's taken. With someone that's NOT YOU. He even moved in. He's okay, but he's not you Dad..

He sits in your chair, he drinks from your coffee mugs, he wraps his around your wife, he tried to raise me..

I don't like it dad. I want you back Dad. Even though I know it's impossible..

The bullying still happens you know.. Mom doesn't know still. She's actually quite clueless when it comes to this.

But, I can't blame her. I push her away.. I don't wanna let her in until you come back..

I love you..

I love you DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now