She Likes Me

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Miles!Mom yelled but I ignored her. Don't let me get the water bucket. She told me. You wouldn't. I said. Ok then sleep. She said. I then continued to sleep. Just then,I felt wet. Mom?! I yelled and groaned. Anyways, get ready for school or I'll let you go with Mrs. Jade. Nooooo..I said as I jumped out of my bed. I bathe immediately and got dressed. I took my launch bag and bag pack and went to mom's car. Mom then drove me to school and I entered the classroom. And the first person I saw was Taylor. Taylor is my ally but actually I like her. like,like her like her. She is very pretty like my mom. Her eyes are sparkling. So when I saw her,I threw ma lunch bag and bag pack on the floor while Mrs. Ray was yelling my name but I ignored her. Then she yelled really hard that I thought the whole school shook. Oh sorry Mrs. Ray. I said as I went to sit at my usual seat. Hi. Taylor said. And I smiled cause I was confused. Why were you late? She asked me. Well....I over slept. I told her as I scratched my hair. Jones then rang the bell. Jones is also my friend and he knows I have a crush on Tay and So as Ricky. Ricky is also my friend . So Mrs. Ray got out of the class. And so as everyone except my allies and I. Well, I've got to tell ya something. Taylor said. So am I. I also said. Well...I like you Miles. She said. Say what? Ricky said. I guess the ship is sailing. Jones said. Me too. I also like you.
I said as I fell on the floor. Up. Ricky said as he and Jones pulled me up. So would you mind coming to my house for dinner? I asked her. That sounds kind of like a date. Taylor said as she blushed. Are you blushing? Summer said. No am not. Yes you are. She said as she gave me a strange look. Okay. It's because I've got a date. Date what now? Summer asked me flabbergasted. Well you are not going to believe this. Miles invited me to his house for dinner tonight. I told her.Wow. That's incredible. Summer said. Would you come to my house and help me pick me out an outfit for tonight? I asked Summer. Of cause I will. She told me. Okay, then I'll count on you I said. When it was closing, I immediately went home and I was very happy. When it was 5:30, I heard the door bell ring and I rushed to see Summer. Then I run to hug her. What was that for? She asked me confused. For coming... I said as she followed me to my room. Now let's see your closet. She told me as if she was my mom. Actually my parents travelled to Paris a week ago with my little brother Jack. So my older sister Becky is babysitting me before they come back. But the thing is, she's kind of a tomboy that was why I called summer to pick out a dress for me. After I was done dressing, Summer went home while I went to Miles' house. Ding ding. I noticed the bell ring. So I rushed to the door and then saw my princess. She looked charming and I dropped my mouth open. Stay still. I said to myself. Oh hi. She told me. Well hello. I said. You look fabulous. I said. Thanks. She said. You don't look bad your self. I said. Thanks. Come in. I said. Okay. She said and entered. Hey Tay, you look marvelous. Miles' mom said. Thanks. Mrs. Scott. Miles then handed me a seat as gentle men do. So how's your sister Becky. Miles' mom asked. Well she's fine. Thanks for asking. We spoke at that night after we were done eating dinner and I noticed Miles' parents were fun. So after our date, Miles' dad dropped me home. I tested Summer immediately when I went to my room.
Text between Summer and Taylor.
Tay: sap
Sum: how did de date go?
Tay: amazing
He asked me to be his gal
Sum: so wah ya say
Tay: yessss
Summer: amazing
Tay:Catch up with ya tommorrow
Tay: bye
I turned off ma cell phone and slept. The next day when I went to school, I saw Miles. Oh you are early. Yeah. Tay, I got you something. Miles said as he brought out the bracelet I always wanted. And he gave it to me. Thanks. I said and gave him a huge hug. Ohmanoodles. Jones said. What's happening? Sum said as she took her seat. Would you be my girlfriend? Ricky asked Sum. Of...I mean..yeah...oh yes!! Summer yelled as she hugged him. Now we have two cute couple here and am single? Jones said. Omg he said as he turned to see Jane. Am here to ask you out again. Would you be my beau again? She asked him. Yh. Of cause. Sure. He said as he rose her up. I like you. They all yelled. Oohhh, that's nice. That's love. Mrs. Ray said. What? We asked. I know whats going on so don't deny. She said as we continued hugging each other.

Becky's pov
I think Tay and Miles are behaving scary this days cos when ever he come around to visit, I notice she blushes. I guess they like each other. Becky, I've got to go visit Summer. Okay, be back before lunch. I told her as she skate all the way there. Ding ding. The bell rung. When I opened the door, I saw Mabel. Whatzupp. I said. Cul. She said.
Mabel's pov
Could you believe your sister and Miles are dating? I asked her. Say what now? She asked me. Oh that's why they behave strange this days when ever he comes here. It's kind of normal cos they were allies since they were young. You know, I've got a new movie so lets go and watch. I told her. Sure.
Summer's pov
Ding ding. I heared the bell. So I rushed expecting Ricky but instead I saw Tay. Hey Sum, Tay said. Sap. I said. You know what, my parents would be back tomorrow and Becky and I are planning to throw a little party for them so you are invited. Tay told me. Okay I'll be there. I told Miles already and he said he will tell Ricky and Jones.
Time pass
Mom, dad !!! Becky and I immediately ran to hug them. Look at you Jack. Becky said as she took him up. Welcome Mr and Mrs. Peter Summer, Ricky, Jane,Jones and Miles said. How are u guys. They asked. We're fine. Mom then opened the door when we shouted "WELCOME HOME" we yelled. Wow, this is so so beautiful. Mom said. Its bweautiful. Jack said in his childish voice. Wow thank you, you cute little bro. I said as I took him. Are u guys having a party without us? Ricky, Miles, Jone, Jane and Summer's parents said as they entered. Wow look at you. You look good. Miles' mom said to my little bro. Long time I guess. Jane's mom said to my parents. Of cause. Now everyone is here so let's party!!!!! Becky yelled as we begun. And everyone begun to dance in pair.
You know what Tay, I'll make sure you be my wife in future. Miles whispered in my ears. Me too. I said as we continued to dance.
Miles POV
After the party was over, every one went home so I rushed to my room and fell asleep. While I was sleeping, I heard my cell phone vibrate so I took it to see a message from Tay.
Tay: are you asleep already?
Me: about to
Tay: k then good night
Me: yeah good night.

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