Birthday Disaster

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Miles POV
The next day when mom drove me to school, I noticed everyone whispering but I did not know what it was about. So I approached Jones to give me a clue. But he also said he did not know. So both of us turned strangely at Ricky to tell us. Then he said today was Norman's birthday. Norman is part of the bad boys in our school. And he likes bullying. So due to that, everyone wanted a revenge on him including my allies and I. So Amber came to stand in front of the class and said. Attention everyone. Now let's discuss how we are gonna revenge him. Normally when we are gonna prank someone, we don't mention his or her name but we refer to him as he or she. Scott then rose his hand and said: let pour glue on his chair so that we when he sits, he would be stuck in the chair. No, that's not a good idea. Iris said. Let's sneak to his kitchen an add pepper to his cake. Jordan said. Finally, Louie said we should put a spider on his cake cause it was his worst fear and we all agreed. After our evil plan, Norman then entered the classrooom and we all smirked and said hi to him. He looked confused and went to his seat. When the bell was rung for lunch, we all hurried out leaving Norman in the class
Norman' POV
As soon as all the losers went out of the class, I took my cell phone and contacted Zach, my best friend. Hello Zach, you know my birthday is today so I'm inviting you to come. Of cause I 'all come. But for only one condition. Zach said. What's it? I asked him. Promise me your classmates won't be present there. He said. Of cause they won't come. I said. Actually, none of them know today is my birthday, so am sure they won't come. I said. Okay expect me he said as I switched my phone off. When the bell was rung for closing, I rode my bike home and saw my parents and lots of people there making sure the decoration would be appropriate. Hi mom. Hi dad. I said as I hugged them. How was school today? They asked me. As usual. I said. Did you invite your classmates to come? Mom asked me. Yes I have but they said they won't come. I lied. Oh that's sad. Dad said as he rubbed my back like a kid. Is okay dad. Its nothing. I said as I went to my room. Like about an hour later, Zach came. I was very glad and went to hug him. And the birthday party proceeded. To my realization, I saw my class losers approach. I dropped my mouth in surprised. What ate you guys doing here. I whispered to them. And how did you know it was my birthday today. I said as I groaned at them. We wanted to surprise you. Jeremy said. Enough of the surprise. You can go home now. I said. Mom then came to me and said. I thought you said they wont be able to make it? She asked surprised. Well ,here they are. I said to her as I gave her a fake smile.
Ricky' POV
You are all welcomed. Mrs. June said to us nicely as she took us to a special seat. I wonder why Norman's mom is different from her son. I mean she is very welcoming and friendly. She served us gently like special guests and we enjoyed. Just then, I eaves dropped into Norman and Zach's conversation.
Zach: I thought you said those losers won't be here.
Norman: yeah me too cause I didn't invite them.
Zach: you know what? I'm out of here.
Norman: wait please
Zach: no. I better go home than see them
Norman; please
Zach: No.
Just then, Zach turned to leave but Mrs. June stopped him. Wait till the birthday party is over. So he had no choice but to stay. Norman was called in front of us all for everyone to sing a birthday song for him, so he came.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Hip hip hip,
We all yelled. Then it was time for him to cut the cake. He made a wish and blew the fire from the candles. After, he took his knife and cut the cake. When he divided the cake into two, he saw a spider in the middle of the cake and yelled as he scattered everything on the table to the floor. He shouted spider and run to his room and we all laughed and when we noticed his parents staring at us, we quit the laughter and they walked across us so our heart beat because we thought they found out we were responsible. We are sorry kids for the disaster. Norman's dad said. Then we guess we've gotta go. Miles said and we went home.

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