Chapter 3: Discomfort and Discord

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Cami stood and stared at him, then snapped into action, swallowing back the fear that rose inside her. "Well, I can't let you bleed to death!" She rushed over and grabbed a kitchen towel, quickly wrapping it around his hand. "What do you mean you're human? That sounds impossible."

Through gritted teeth, he responded, "I assure you, Cami, it is not! Now, why in bloody hell did your cousin send it to you?"

"I don't know - he wanted it kept safe! I sure as hell wouldn't have wanted it if I knew...what it could do. Wait a minute! That thing is a powerful weapon! No one can know it's here!" She ran her hands through her hair in a slight panic as the thoughts raced through her mind and her breathing became faster. "This whole town is filled with supernatural creatures that want power! You aren't safe! You're vulnerable! This human has to be temporary. Right?"

Klaus's knees began to buckle and he leaned on the counter for support. Screaming out in frustration and pain, he managed to say, "Temporary...yes. I don't know for how long. That's the miserable part of all this."

"Why are you in pain? I know that sounds like a stupid question, but..."

"There is a transition process as the curse takes hold of me."

"How do you know?"
"I have heard of this before." He began breathing heavily and seemed to be in worse pain. Cami pressed her lips together in firm determination and quickly aided him to a nearby chair. She ran to the medicine cabinet in her bathroom and retrieved a bottle of ibuprofen and quickly gave them to Klaus.

"Here. Take these for the pain. You need to explain what you know about all this so I can help you." She grabbed a glass of water for him and he obeyed her instructions without complaint.

"I doubt you will be able to help me. The legend says that the most evil witch who ever lived created it when her lover had betrayed her. Believe it or not, it was not my mother."

"Wow, so there was someone more evil than your mother. Hard to believe. Please, continue."

"It is said she used the power of darkness from her own hate and melded it with the Lord of the Underworld's power, if there is such a thing. Any supernatural creature that touches it is doomed to live out his worst fears."

"So, your worst fear is to become human again?" Cami felt slightly insulted.

"No. To be fragile. Weak."

Cami sighed. "Klaus, even as a human you are definitely not fragile. Or weak. You're still the same power-hungry, controlling sociopath with family issues that I have come to know so well."

Klaus looked back at her and managed an amused smile.

She stepped away from him and announced, "I am calling Elijah."

"No! You have to trust me, Cami. Elijah is busy with a very important task right now and I cannot risk this happening to him as well."

"What kind of task?"

Klaus shook his head. "A task so important that you would be risking your life merely knowing of its existence. Now, please, sit down here and keep distracting me. I am experiencing a vast amount of discomfort."

She did as he asked, feeling much sympathy for him. "I have to get that thing out of here. I need to put it with the rest of the dark objects. But, I can't leave you here alone." She placed her hand on his, then quickly retracted it, realizing what a forward move that was. He had such an effect on her, even in his weakened state.

Klaus reached over and grabbed her hand, holding it in his. "I want you to call Marcel."

"Marcel? Are you sure he would protect you?"

"Yes. He is the only other one that can know about this. Please, Cami."

Cami nodded and called Marcel, asking him to come right over. After she hung up, she returned the cursed object to its box, then sat down at the computer to send Charlie an e-mail. He had beaten her to it.

Dear Cami,

Get rid of that thing I sent to you as soon as you can. I thought it was a good luck charm, but people in my group have become mysteriously ill and two have died. I've seen a lot of weird stuff lately that you would never believe. I'm sorry I got you involved. Be careful. I'll try to make it home soon so we can talk.

Love, Charlie

She told Klaus about what she had just read. He seemed to be listening, but she could see that he was distracted by his intense pain. "I think you should rest." She went back to his seat and helped him over to the sofa. He began to cough as he began to lay down, spattering blood all over Cami's white blouse.

Looking at the mess he made, Klaus whispered hoarsely, "I apologize for that."

"Hey, no big deal. I've gotten pretty good at getting blood stains out of my clothes." She smiled at him and began to walk away, but he grabbed her wrist before she could take a step. Their eyes met.

"Even as a bloody mess, you're still beautiful to me."

Cami's heart raced at his words. All she could do was force a smile to hide the blush that rose into her face. Shaking her head, she patted his hand, causing him to let go. "I've got to change before I head out into the werewolf zone once again." She went into her bedroom, consumed with thoughts of Klaus and how she felt about him. He was so complicated. How one could be so insanely twisted and neurotic, but also be so caring and charming...there was only one word to describe Klaus: tragic. That's how any relationship with Klaus would ever be: tragic. She changed quickly and headed back to the living room just in time to let Marcel into her apartment.

After briefing him on everything that had happened, Marcel examined Klaus carefully, who was asleep at this point. "Not good."

"I know," Cami replied. "Do you know of anything that can cure this?"

Marcel shook his head. "Go ahead and get it out of here. Be careful."

Cami looked down at Klaus, then back at Marcel. "Promise me. You won't let anything happen to him."

"I promise. You can trust me. I've thought about killing Klaus many times, but not like this. He raised me better than that."

She smiled and hugged him. "Thank you."

Armed with the cursed artifact safely in its box, Cami managed to get to the secret closet of dark objects without any problems. Once she found a spot for it, she began searching the pages of the few ancient books on the shelves, hoping to find some clue as to how the curse worked. She sighed when she had no luck and decided to head back, however, she made one stop along the way. As she entered her apartment, Marcel assisted her with the bags she brought with her.

"You went shopping? Really?"

"It's not for me!" She snapped in a loud whisper. "I thought this would be therapeutic for him." She opened the bag to reveal art supplies, a sketch pad, and a canvas with a fold-up easel.

"What did he do to deserve all this?" He teased.

Ignoring his attempt at humor, Cami asked, "How is he?"

Marcel swallowed. "Look, uh, I think you should sit down."

"Why?" Her heart sank as they both sat down at the table.

"I called a doctor I know and had him come over while you were gone just to be sure I wasn't wrong."

"Wrong about what?"

"Klaus is dying."

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