Chapter 11: A False Memory

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His eyes grew wide, apparently surprised at her request. "You wish to forget...everything?"

"Yes," she nodded vehemently, "Please, Klaus. Maybe you can go on with your life like nothing has changed, but I can't. I opened my heart to you and just knowing that I confessed my love for you and that you will never be able to reciprocate those feelings is...just too much for me to bear. I will never be enough for you and it would be much easier for me to accept if I didn't remember any of these feelings."

Stung by her words, Klaus flinched. "Do you wish you had never known me, then?"

Shaking her head, she replied quickly, "No, that's not it. You are an important part of my life. You opened my eyes. I don't want you to take the knowledge of this incredible supernatural world away from me. I am a part of it now and I still want to be your ally, and your friend. Do you understand?"

His eyes searched her face in a curious manner. "I have never seen you in such a distraught manner. What is even worse is the knowledge that I was the cause. However, there is one more matter that must be addressed before I make you forget anything."

Confused, she replied, "Do I really want to know?"

"You made a deal with my aunt. We must find a way to sever your promise to her, or find a way to ensure that she can never collect on your little deal."

"Won't she just find a way to curse you again?"

"Now that I am back to normal, she has no power over me as long as I don't touch that wretched artifact."

"So, what is it that she wants from you, anyway?"

"I don't know, Love. What do any of my insane family members want from me?"

She shrugged. "Is it even possible that she just wants to be a part of your family?"

Klaus laughed. "Oh, Sweetheart, you have such a sense of humor. But, I do need you to take me to your Uncle's apartment so that I can communicate with her."

Cami nodded.

As they approached the apartment door, Klaus stopped her mid-stride. "Before we go in, I want you to be prepared. I must make my aunt think I care nothing for you. Otherwise, she will make you hold up your end of the bargain. Do you understand?"

She agreed, taking a deep breath as the two carefully entered the secret room and she hooked up the communication device, as she did before. The witch's voice filled the small room with a laugh. "So, Niklaus, you wish to release your beloved from her promise to help me, is that it?"

"Well, hello, my dearest long-lost auntie! I'm afraid you are mistaken. The only beloved in my life was my daughter, but, as you probably know, she is no longer of this world. Camille was merely a means to an end. She has served her purpose."

"Oh, how unfortunate for both of you. Dearest Cami, it seems that your efforts were wasted on a man that seems to care nothing for you."

Swallowing hard before speaking, Cami replied, "Yes, it was a complete waste of time. I have never met such an arrogant, pig-headed, stubborn jerk in my whole life."

He shot her a 'did you really just say that' look. She couldn't help but smirk back at him.

"Ah, well, c'est la vie. Shall I just go ahead and make arrangements to collect on our bargain now, Camille, before he does something drastic to you?"

Klaus interjected, "Unfortunately for Camille, I have taken control of her Uncle's stash of dark objects, so, if you are looking for something in particular, you will have to ask me."

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