Chapter 8: An Unlikely Heroine

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After taking a quick shower and getting dressed, Cami peeked in one last time on her handsome patient. He was still asleep and completely unaware of her presence. She grabbed a cup of coffee to go at her favorite coffee house, then headed back over to Father Kieran's apartment to search through the secret closet of dark objects. The first thing she did was pull out Charlie's phone and bring up the photo that still gave her the creeps. Afraid to touch the cursed object that had tormented Klaus ever since he touched it, she opened the box and left it in there. Then, she started searching for something that could be used to either give her a temporary power, or something that could be used for protection. She found an inventory of all the objects, listing each one's physical description, power, a drawing of the object, and how to use it. Before reading it over it in depth, she started making a mental list of her objectives:

1. Who is this witch and why is she looking for Klaus?

2. Does she know that Klaus was affected by her curse?

3. How was she able to communicate with Charlie?

4. Is there a way to undo the curse?

5. If not, how do I keep him alive until the curse is broken?

Cami sat down and stared at the inventory. Realizing that this was her uncle's handwriting made her feel nostalgic, wishing he was there with her. "Uncle Kieran, what would you do?" she mumbled to herself. The object that seemed to grab her attention was in the shape of a seashell. It said that it allowed 2-way communication with a witch, as long as she was not on the other side. "Okay, since I don't know what I'm up against, why not ask the source?" She stood up and found the seashell object on one of the shelves. Taking it in her hand, she examined it carefully, then took it over to the cursed object and set it on top, following the vague instructions listed on the inventory sheet. Mustering every ounce of courage she had, Cami spoke boldly, "I am speaking to the witch that cursed this object. I need some information." Silence followed. She repeated herself. Then, the seashell object began to vibrate.

"Who has summoned me from afar?" The female voice was low and strong.

"Who are you?" Cami demanded.

"I am an all-powerful witch. That is all you need know of me until I know who you are." Her voice was menacing and made Cami's hair stand on end.

Continuing her faux bravery, Cami continued, "Your goblet from hell took hold of my cousin."

"Ah, yes, my black jeweled chalice. It allowed me to see him when he unearthed it in the hidden cave. The fool sent it you! No matter, I sent him to retrieve it."

"Your little spy is dead."

"Spy? Whatever do you mean, my dear?"

"What are you really after?"

"You are an intelligent girl. I do not sense any power from you. You are quite brazen for a human. You would have to be for you to know of supernatural beings. Therefore, you do not communicate with me out of sheer curiosity, but because you need something from me. Am I correct?"

"I want to know how that thing works."


"Don't play coy with me! My cousin is dead because of you and I want to know why!"

"My little goblet from hell, as you call it, allows me to control humans. It has a much bigger effect on supernatural creatures, but you already know that, don't you, my dear?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"You cannot hide anything from me. I have spies, as you call them, all over the world. The hybrid. It affected him and you want to know how to help him."

"How do you know him?"

"He is my kin. My nephew. I have been searching far and wide for him and, thanks to you, I know exactly where he is."

"Why have you been looking for him?"

"He has something that belongs to me, which does not concern you at this time."

"Well, knowing Klaus, I doubt he will hand it over to you willingly."

"He won't have a choice, I'm afraid. So, I will help you save my nephew. However, you must do something for me in return."

"Let me guess, you want to control me and use me as a spy."

Her laughter echoed through the small room. "I understand that the device you are using to communicate with me is not the only cursed object you have in your possession. You have many at your disposal. I will call upon you to give me one of these objects. You will do so without hesitation."

"Well, that depends on which one you want."

"There is a price for my help, dear Camille. How far are you willing to go to save your beloved Niklaus?"

Swallowing hard from fear and desperation, she replied, "How do I know I can trust you?"

"You have no other choice. Also, I revealed to you that he has something I need. Why would I let him die when he is the only one that can get it for me?"

Sighing heavily, Cami agreed. "Why do I feel like I just made a pact with the Devil?"

She laughed once again. "Oh, I am not the Devil, but I can assure you that he would dare not cross me."

"So, when will he be healed?"

"It takes time to undo a centuries-old curse. Thanks to our agreement, I can assure you that he will not die as a result of this and he should be feeling much better when you see him again."

"Thank you," she stated, grateful but uncomfortable with the potential consequences.

"No, thank you, Camille. Until we meet again..."

The communication was silenced. Cami put away the communication device and closed the cursed chalice back inside its box. At that moment, a text alert came from Marcel.

He's awake. He wants to know where you are.

How is he feeling?

He stopped throwing up finally. He's in bed reading Shakespeare. Out loud. I don't think I can handle hearing Hamlet's soliloquies one more time. Please tell me you found something that will stop this insanity.

He's not going to die. I can tell you that much. Now, it's just waiting until the curse is broken. Tell him I'm on my way home.

Cami locked up the uninhabited apartment and realized that she was going to have to tell Klaus what happened. If his aunt was wanting something from him, he was going to need to be prepared. However, she wondered if he would be angry at her for the deal she made. The fact he was still human at least eliminated the threat of him vamping out or going supernatural on her. However, he was still a killer by nature and she found herself somewhat afraid to go home.

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