Chapter 7: These Dreams

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Cami grabbed Klaus's hand as he began to walk away. "No! You don't have to go back! You've had nothing but heartache and pain. This is your chance to start a new life, don't you see that? You could stay with me. Stay human with me. We could be happy together until the end of our days! Maybe get married, have our own family together, with Hope? Think about it! You can have an end to all your suffering and have a happy ending!"

Shaking his head, Klaus replied quietly, "Cami...I can't."

She closed her eyes and squeezed his hand harder. The tears began falling down her face. "Please don't leave me. I'm in love with you, can't you see that?"

He paused, then turned to her with an apologetic look. Cami quickly closed the space between them and pressed her lips against his with a fierce passion. She felt him slowly give way to her insistent mouth. He pulled off her jacket, then began unraveling the ribbons that held her peasant blouse tied to her bosom...

Cami's eyes snapped open and she sat up quickly, alarmed at her sad, but risqué dream. She looked over at Klaus, who was sound asleep. A feeling of relief washed over her. She liked having him here, with her. He turned over, causing the covers to expose his bare chest. She realized that he must have taken his shirt off at some point during the night. Mesmerized by the small birds tattooed on his shoulder, she gently ran her fingers over them, wishing for the freedom they represented to take away all of Klaus's fears and allow him to live. Klaus's eyes opened, then he grabbed Cami's hand in mid-stroke, giving her a deadly look. She quickly removed her hand from his. "I'm sorry..."

Klaus's deadly stare quickly dissolved after he blinked a few times, as if trying to wake up. "Forgive me, Cami...I was dreaming." He placed his hand on top of hers, gently squeezing it as if to give her reassurance.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" She propped herself up on her elbow, awaiting his response.

He sat up, pulling the covers with him. "I'm so thirsty. Would you get me a drink, Love?"

"Sure. Do you need your pain pills?"


"I'll be back." She got up and returned with a glass of water and his pain medication. After he finished, he set the glass down on the nightstand and glanced at her.

"Before I tell you about my dream, Sweetheart, I wish to hear about yours." He had the knowing smirk that drove Cami crazy.

Feeling a blush in her cheeks, she looked away as she responded, "Why do you want to know? It was just a stupid dream."

"Well, you could've fooled me, Love, with the way you were thrashing about and calling my name."

Cami looked at him in shock and embarrassment. "Okay, you were in my dream, but, believe me, NOTHING HAPPENED." She playfully poked his shoulder.

He smiled in return. "You sound disappointed. Did it not end the way you wanted?"

Tears threatened to well up in her eyes as she thought of him leaving her in her dream, but she managed to collect herself. "It doesn't matter. I want to hear about your dream now."

His smile turned to seriousness. "I would have preferred that you had been in it. It would have been much more pleasant."

"What happened?"

"It was Genevieve. She sought revenge on me and I was powerless to defend myself against her witchcraft."

"What exactly did she do to you?"

"She cursed me, making me her slave. I couldn't do anything without her approval."

"Wow. Even in your dream she was a total bitch."

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