Chapter 9: The Human Factor, Part One

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As Cami drove down the street about half-way to her apartment, she pulled over quickly as she watched Klaus walking down the sidewalk with Marcel following behind. She got out of the car and immediately stood in front of Klaus, placing her hands on his chest to stop him. His eyes were glazed over and she realized that he was being controlled. Taking a deep breath to cover up her shock and worry, she cleared her throat and commanded, "Just where do you think you're going?"

"I cannot tell you." His voice was monotone.

"It's her, isn't it? She's controlling you."

"I must help her." He tried to push forward, but she pressed back with all her strength.

"Uh, Marcel? I could use a little help here!"

Marcel shook his head in frustration. "I can't touch him. When I do, my hands get burnt. It's like he's made of vervain. That's why I'm following him. I tried to stop him. He's been babbling in some ancient language I can't understand."

Cami's mind raced as she tried to think of a solution. An idea came to mind as she reached in her purse and pulled out her secret stash of wolf's bane. "You may be human for now, but you were born part werewolf. If this hurts, I'm sorry." She pressed it against his neck and he quickly snapped out of his trance and clenched his jaw, grunting in pain.

Klaus blinked a few times and looked around in confusion. "What am I doing here?"

"You were in a trance. You weren't making any sense," Marcel replied. "I have no idea where you thought you were going, but we need to get you back to the apartment."

"Klaus? Do you remember where you were going?" Cami asked, forcing him to look at her.

He put his hand to his forehead, shaking his head as if to clear it. Regaining his focus, he avoided her question and asked one of his own. "Camille? Where have you been, might I ask?" His words were laced with suspicion.

"Let's get back home first and I'll tell you everything," she responded as she looked around anxiously, very much aware of how many eyes were upon them.

"No, you will tell me now," his voice became more insistent with each syllable.

"Get in the car before anyone gets the wrong idea and finds out about you!" She fired back.

At that moment, two men stood up from a nearby café table and approached the trio. One of them spoke, "I know who you are, Mikaelson. What I want to know is..." he started sniffing him..."why can't I smell you?"

"Werewolves...great," Cami muttered under her breath.

"Stay cool," Marcel muttered back. "Let's see what he does."

The other werewolf stood in front of Cami and began checking her out. "I've seen you around, Gorgeous. What I don't know is why Francesca has it out for you."

"Can't you leave us be?" she exclaimed, exasperated and fearful.

Klaus looked at both werewolves carefully, then turned his attention to the one eyeing Cami. "You heard the lady. Perhaps it would be in your best interest to go about your business."

He ignored Klaus and stepped closer to Cami. He reached out and started touching her hair. She smacked his hand away. "Don't touch me."

Klaus stepped closer to him. "You've been asked twice now, Mate. Now, I am telling you to leave."

Smirking with mischief, the first werewolf lunged at Klaus and he immediately retaliated. They began fist-fighting, but Klaus was down very quickly, bleeding from his mouth and knuckles. The intensity in Klaus's face showed that he was extremely outraged and was ready to murder him. He got up, but was quickly knocked down again. The second werewolf shouted, "Hey! There's something wrong with him. He's just as weak as a human!" Marcel quickly intervened and was able to scare them off, but not before the two ran off announcing that Klaus Mikaelson was now an easy target, in their own words. Cami and Marcel managed to get Klaus in Cami's car and they drove back to the apartment as quickly as they could.

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