Will Byers

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Summary: Will had returned from. The upside down and has a fluffy reunion with childhood crush ♡
You never really hung out with Mike, Dustin or Lucas but ever since Will went missing they had become close friends in fact you had gotten so close you had considered them brothers so when they said they had someone that could help find will you were suspicious but you would do anything to save Will so when that first mission failed you couldn't help but feel discouraged but your hope never really went away not even when the police claimed to find his dead body. That's what had made this moment seem so surreal. You thought maybe you were dreaming until you heard his voice " Y/N." His voice was hoarse and he sounded broke " Will is that really you?" You asked your voice breaking at the end of the sentence "yeah it's me." Cautiously you reached your hand out and stroked his face almost as if you were trying to make sure he wouldn't fade away then you engulfed him into a hug " where have you been Will I've missed you so much please don't ever leave me again." You rushed out while your entire body was shaking from you sobs when he speaks you look up at him and see tears making their way down his skin "I've missed you to Y/n so much and you can count on me to stay with you forever." Y/N didn't know what had possessed her to do what she did next maybe it was all of her emotions over seeing her childhood sweetheart after so long knowing je was home safe wither way she grasped his face and she kissed him only breaking away to say " promise me forever Will." "I promise." He says leaning in for another kiss completely oblivious to his mom and Johnathon staring with their mouths agape

               Words 406 ♡

A/N Idk where this came from bit like I love will and he just deserves so much anyway inhavemt watched s2 of st yet but it has been spoiled for me so like yknow why not write about  it . Okay but every time i see Mike and el meet again and their faces I cry non-stop like it's just endless tears I'm just so happy my baby's are Okie 💕💕 anyway hoped you liked it request are open and peace out lovelies 👽👌

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