First I Love You ! B.D !

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It had been a couple of days after George's disappearance,you had been trying to help out Bill as much as you could by the task was proven difficult " y-y-yn I k-know he isn't d-dead I-i just k-know it." He said tears leaking out of his eyes. "I never said he was dead Billy its just you don't sleep or eat and I'm worried baby." I cooed wrapping my arms around his shoulders " we will find him I promise but we can't if you pass out from lack of sleep." I said tearing up. He looked up slowly and gulped before saying, " O-okay I will j-Just st-tay with me p-puh-please." "I was going to anyway." I said while I guided him to the bed. As i was dozing off beside him I heard him murder " I love you Y/n," turning to fave him I grabbed his face and said " I love you too Bill Denbrough." following up that statement with a soft kiss.

A/n》》 Okay so I'm doing this with all of the losers cast I was going to post it as a preference but they are really long so they're just going to be separate. Hope you liked it!! ♡♡ sorry for not updating lately 😚😚 peace out losvers

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