Henry Bowers & Richie Tozier Headcanons

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Richie Tozier 8 Henry Bowers (PLATONIC)

Warning; mention of abuse

A/N : okay im mccryinng i was drawing henry bowers when i thought about how alike him and richie are ina way yknow sooo this is the result.I have way to many feels like i need help tbh

⦁ So after Henry had taken a beating from his dad he called the gang over to take his mind off things

⦁ by take his mind off things i mean put his fist in kids faces

⦁ the gang is just cruising around a little bit after dark and they all spot Richie Tozier,who also saw them.

⦁ Richie in hopes of not getting beat up again he hides in a alley behind the drug store

⦁ he thinks he lost them after a couple of minutes but then vroom vroom here come their car down the alley

⦁ so henry jumps out of the car ready to beat this losers ass

⦁ but then he sees his face already bruised and he is almost worried af like who is terrorizing these kids besides me bc if it was the other boys hed know

⦁ "the hell did that trashmouth huh." '' fuck off bowers.'' what did you just say to me huh tozier.''

⦁ pulling richie up by the collarof his flaming shirt {you know the one}and just seeing how similiarly bruised his face is to his but that isnt what set him off no it was his eyes

⦁ when he averted his eyes from the bruises and small gashes he mest his eyes and he just felt this pain in his gut that broken look that henry has seen himself wear after his father beat him

⦁ richie just being limp and not even caring what happens anymore then he hears Patrick's voice saying '' are we gonna hit this kid or not Bowers.'' then he finally notices how long henrys been looking at him

⦁ '' yall im gonna handle this one on my own so fuck off.'' the boys being v confused but not trying to bother him while he is in one of his moods so they just kinda hop back into the car while glaring at Rchie

⦁ Richie just closing hs eyes gritting his teeth and preparing himself to get beat

⦁ but he is suprised when he hits the floor instead of henrys fist

⦁ ''I know how you feel buddy, its like that at my place too.''Richie not understanding what he is saying then really looking at Henry and noticing all of his bruises and he just starts breaking down ugly sobs heavy breaths everything

⦁ forgets he is talking to bowers and just spills everything '' what did i do? why does he do this? .'' and henry placing himself beside him and just saying '' nothing,he is a asshole plain and simple it wasnt your fault it wasnt our fault Richard,'' henry says not only trying to convince Rich but himself aswell

⦁ Richie being supprised that Henry knows his name and that he isnt taking the piss oyt of seeing him cry

⦁ Henry and Richie just sit in the alley until its to the point that they are freezing then out ofno where Henry says '' i know a place you can go to if this happens again its safe and you dont have to be worried about anyone finding you bub.''

⦁ Richie being kinda skeptical but is to cold to even think tbh anyway the place turns out to be Belch's moms house and he absolutely loves how almost sane it is there compared to his house

⦁ like he is actually noticed there '' hun im makind dinner do you want something?? and richie just looks to see if there is someone behind him '' are you talking to me.'' '' yes dear.'' ''oh would fries be to much.'' '' no problem.''

⦁ im hardcore believer that belchs house would be the most loving home ever they dont have a lot of money but they have each other and thats alll that matters

⦁ Henry thinking of him as a lil brother that he has to protect but hed never admit it the bowers gang also warming up to him especially since thats happening to him at such a young age

⦁ When he goes back to school and he meets up with the losers club he doesnt talk to henry as much he still does beacuse henry does understand what he is going through but not as much but when they pass each other in the hallway they always nod

⦁ so Henry still bullys the losers club just not in front of richie but if he did it wouldnt be so cold hearted but he still teases Richie but in a brotherly way like ruffling his har after he pushed him around (lightly)

⦁ the losers club noticing but never asking

⦁ so when they all grow up and Richie is a radio host he has a segement called Henry's Haven

⦁ basiclly its just a place people can all in and rant get advice about things the stuff that Richie went to Henry for

⦁ When he goes back to Derry (henry isnt dead) he makes it a point to go to Henrys house and check on him

⦁ Henry is doing ok he has a wife and 2 kids who absolutely adore their loving father

⦁ When henry makes eye contact with Richie they almost cry and he introduces Richie to his kids as Uncle Rich

⦁ after the kids have gone t osleep and its just Richie and Henry ricihe says to him '' thanks for raising me Henry.'' ''No problem trashmouth thanks for being my brother.'' and they actually hug and when Richie has kids they call Henry their uncle

⦁ Henry freaking laughing over how bad the name Henry's haven is like wtf and when richie tries denying it henrys like tf conme on man

⦁ That realationship being one of the most important in both Henry and Richie's life

A/N/// IM CRYING I LOVE THIS SO MUCH SOMEONE STOP ME PLSSSS...... but like should i make this into an imagine omg hat would be great tbh i might anyway request are open and feedback is always appreciated

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