Dating Henry Bowers

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¤before relationship¤

{ ⬇ Sfw headcanons ⬇}

♡ Henry wouldn't Bully you he would just make a lot of inappropriate jokes

♡ probably doesn't like like  you at first just wants to mess at ohhh around with you but when you get paired up for a project he'd fall for you hardcore

♡ tries to make cute flirty pick up lines but would end up sounding like a asshole or a idiot

♡ the entire gang knowing he likes you

♡ Patrick flirts with you like crazy until henry tells him to step down before he vits ofd his nuts

♡ would get dating advice from Victor C.

¤during realationship¤

♡ Henry still kinda picking on you but in a cute way

♡ but if someone else cough *greta* even jokes about you shes about to die

♡ you can't really make him stop bullying people but he's less extreme when he does

♡ no one understanding why you like him but you see him when hes vulnerable  and your heart just melts

♡ him adoring you and always thinking that someone is going to steal you away

♡ very jealous of Victor especially since he's nicer and v smooth with the ladies

{ ⬇ nsfw headcanons ⬇}

♡ sex is a constant with Henry like honestly this boy acts like he'll die of he ain't getting laid

♡ he likes marking your neck with hickies

♡ hella kinky

 ♡ like knife play blood play you name it

♡ High key has a sir kink like he wants you to know that he is in control all the time no matter what

♡ " henry please just fuck me ." "What was that ?" " Uhh sir please just fuck me."

♡ okay so we jave established he gets jealous a lot which leads to you having rough rough sex

♡ okay but like hold on he is really soft like after he fights with his dad he just doesn't fuck you he makes love to you amd he makes sure you know the difference

A/n》》 Okay so I  working on a imagine for my multifandom imagines so if you wanna read it then just take a stroll through my works 💕 also should I do spicy imagines,Headcanons,and preferences for it/St?? If you think so just comment aldo request are open so don't be shy.!!

Peace out fellow losvers

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