Chapter Thirty Seven

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Carson's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling a bit dull. The house is quiet. I decided to wake up Carter since it's already 8 in the morning. I stood up and walked to her room. It's cold in here. I sat on her bed.

"Baby Sis?" I whisper pulling down the covers. I looked at her and suddenly I got nervous and I don't know why. She's pale.

"Carter, wake up" I touched her arm it's cold. She didn't respond. I faced her.

"Carter, Wake up now. Wake up" I said slightly shaking her but then I saw something that made my world fall apart. Her hand felll to the side. I immediately looked at her tears forming in my eyes.

"Carter, Please wake up please. Don't do this..." I shake her hoping she would wake up but nothing happened. I don't know what to do. I pulled her in my arms slightly tapping her face.

"No, no. Wake up. MAM! DAD!" I called as wrapped my arms around Carter crying.

"What happened?" Mam asked. I looked up to them and saw mam with her hand covering her mouth and has tears in her eyes. She rushed to us and she pulled Carter into her arms crying.

"Carter, pet please don't do this. Don't go" She sobbed. I closed my eyea hoping it's all a bad dream but no. It's not, this is real. I slide down the floor crying. She left too early. I keep asking why she's too young but now she's gone.

"We'll bring her to the hospital" Dad immediately carried Carter walking out of the room. Mam was about to go out when she looked at me.

"Come on Carson." I shook my head and she sighed and walked out of the room. I don't want to here if she didn't make it. I can't deal with that. I stood up and looked around the room making me cry again so I walked out closing the door behind me and went to my room and looked around. Something caught my eye. I walked over the bedside table and picked up the envelope. I sat on the bed as I opened it. It's a letter.

Dear Carson,

      I know that while you're reading this I'm probably gone. I'm so sorry big brother that I can't hold on anymore. I'm really having a hard time and my body can't take it anymore. If only I could live longer. I know that I'm not telling you this frequently but I love you big brother. You've been the best big brother anyone can have. If we'll have a new sister or brother will you take care of her or him and please tell him or her about me. Also take care of mam okay. Don't let her get hurt again. The most important is take care of yourself. You're all mam have. Don't stress yourself. Don't let go of Julia. I know she's the one for you. I'm so sorry I can't be with you on your birthday. But don't worry I bought you a gift. It's under your bed. I hoped you liked it. So, This is it. Goodbye big brother, It's been nice being with you. I'll see you soon. I love you

Your's Truly


I folded the paper and put it on the bedside table and cried. She knew she was going to die. That's why she's being bubbly and all that cause she knows it will be her last chance. I miss her already a lot. I miss our times together. I walked into her room and saw the video camera on the bedside table. I took it and went downstair connecting it to the telly Playing everything that's in there. I walked in the kitchen and took the bottle of wine on the cabinet and drank straight from it going back to the front room and watching the videos. I was watching the video when we we're at the X factor when my phone rang. I got a message.

From: Babe <3

      She's gone. I'm sorry.

My heart dropped. She let go already. I drank all the contents in the bottle feeling tipsy already. I stood up and walked in the kitchen taking another bottle of wine and drinking it. I returned to the front room when Auntie Kim appeared by the door. She looked like she's been crying. She looked at me then the bottle my hand. I ignored her and drank the contents of the bottle.

Kimberley's P.O.V

I walked in the house to see Carson looking a mess. He had a bottle in his hand. He ignored me and went to sit on the sofa. I sat beside him watching the videos. This day was very depressing. When I recieved the text from Carter. I knew that this was going to happen. I've been in the hospital since this morning and it's now noon. Cheryl asked me if I could check on Carson afraid of him doing something stupid. I was cut off with my thoughts when Carson talked.

"It's so fast" He whispered making me look at him. He drank from the bottle staring at the TV.

"What?" I muttered. He smirked.

"I bet she's watching us right now" He said tears in his eyes. He's drunk. I didn't realize I was crying until I wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks. He stood up and went to the garden. I followed him. It's so cold outside yet he went to the garden wearing just his shirt and his pajamas. He screamed.

"Carson" I called for him but he ignored me.

"WHY DID YOU LEAVE US. YOU'RE UNFAIR" He screamed kicking the snowman. I watched him from the door. "YOU DIDN'T EVEN TOLD ME OR GIVE ME SOME WARNING" He yelled beaking down. I run up to him and hugged him.

"Stop now babe" I said softly taking the bottle out of his hand. "Stop it" He cried on my shoulder.

"I really miss you" He whispered. I hugged him tighter. He's hurt and he needs me.

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