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Sylar tilted his head aside, grinning creepily "I remember you" He telekinetically pushed Peter up against the wall next to me. I sucked in a deep breath as he walked closer but felt a slight sense of relief when he didn't pay attention to me. He grabbed Peter's chin. "You're like me, aren't you?" He turned Peter's head this way and that as he looked him over. "I'd like to see how that works"

Sylar raised his finger, starting slicing Peter's forehead.

"No" I gasped, struggling furiously against the telekinetic force watching by the corner of my eyes how Peter screamed in my ear as blood dripped down his eyes.

I watched helplessly how Sylar started killing someone else without me being able to do anything to help.

Sylar continued slicing open Peter's forehead but suddenly his smirk faded into a surprised frown.

I side glanced at Peter only to widen my eyes at the sight of his wound starting to slowly heal itself. 

Peter stopped screaming, breathing heavily staring at Sylar.

Sylar slowly lowered his hand, staring back at Peter. There was a dark look crossing over his features as he eyed the guy next to me. 

Suddenly, Sylar was thrown backward toward the bookshelf oppossite to us at the other end of the room. The bookshelf fell onto him, momentarily knocking him out.

Mohinder fell from the ceiling, hitting the floor with a thud now that Sylar got distracted. 

My air waves were suddenly getting more air and I fell down to the ground but I didn't touch the ground thanks to Peter who caught me before I could fall as he was also released from the telekinesis pinning him against the wall. 

"Are you okay?" Peter asked in concern. 

I coughed, massaging my throat but didn't take my eyes off Sylar who was now standing up at the other end of the room. 

Peter followed my gaze, setting me down on the ground gently and got up to his feet. 

I crawled to Mohinder, helping him up. 

Sylar glanced at us, clicking his tongue "No, No. I'm not done with them yet" he looked at Peter, starting to go after him only for Peter to vanish into thin air. 

I gaped at the last place I saw him. More abilities? How's that possible? 

Sylar looked around for Peter, smirking to himself "Interesting" He slowly raised his hand. "I can't wait to try that one" 

Mohinder and I watched in horror as broken pieces of glass rised along Sylar's hand.

Sylar paused, tilting his head aside listening. The pieces of glass glistened with the dim light coming from outside as those hovered in the air in front of him. 

Everything was dead silent as Sylar seemed to concentrate until he flickered his fingers pushing the glass away from him, shooting them outward like knives through the air.

I gasped, ducking out of the way, helping Mohinder do the same. My eyes widened hearing the sound of flesh tearing apart and Peter groaning. 

I looked bebind me, staring in shock at a single shard of glass hanging motionless in the air. Suddenly it turned covered with a red liquid. 

My eyes widened in disbelief, putting an arm around Mohinder's waist to prop him up and his arm around my shoulder.

We all watched silently at the place, suddenly witnessing Peter dematerializing right in front of us. The piece of glass being embedded in the back of his head. He fell to the floor with a thud.

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